This repository contains the code to create a sharded SQLite database of the Gaia-2MASS crossmatch catalogue, enabling fast local queries.
The locally created database is currently optimised for offline astrometric plate solving for visible and near-infrared observations.
The catalogue was generated by cross-matching Gaia DR2 and 2MASS catalogues using the astroquery Python package. For reference, please see Before using the code (to avoid overloading the Gaia archive servers), please refer to the Usage section below for more details.
To use a local catalogue, download the already created 16 J magnitude cut Gaia-2MASS SQLite database file from here. This catalogue is about 18GB in size, containing approximately 300M cross-matched sources.
You can find an example of how to use the database in
if __name__ == '__main__':
min_dec = -50.2
max_dec = -49.2
min_ra = 23.3
max_ra = 24.4
t0 =
df = db_query('./db/gaia_tmass_16_jm_cut.db', min_dec, max_dec, min_ra, max_ra)
print("Executed query", - t0)
Executed query 0:00:00.236333
ra dec pmra pmdec phot_g_mean_mag j_m
0 23.693215 -49.805034 17.91935 -36.989641 7.487380 5.177
1 23.573126 -49.448267 91.111847 10.057243 9.748498 8.751
2 24.121133 -49.926295 91.715677 47.979666 9.838325 8.860
3 23.817866 -49.549265 14.543387 8.118343 10.602289 9.109
4 24.226083 -49.414841 -2.335897 -87.573116 10.764868 9.329
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
615 23.629336 -50.186380 11.270629 -0.525701 17.416536 15.977
616 24.218084 -50.074234 12.997597 -0.806246 17.658678 15.986
617 24.326128 -49.769186 11.724527 -6.793672 18.224480 15.989
618 23.476797 -49.334399 0.578949 -1.991031 17.085663 15.993
619 23.386318 -49.613298 22.275294 -0.469569 17.023968 15.998
If you require a database with a different magnitude cut or the inclusion of Gaia IDs, please refer to within the gaia_archive_bulk_query directory, and for instructions on how to create it. Alternatively, feel free to contact me.