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A dotfile repo

My public configuration files and personal scripts. I change those files a lot and sometimes I break things, so be careful.

The second half of my configuration (installed programs and such) live in my nixfiles. I've decided against home-manager for now, being able to quickly change my dotfiles is preferable to me for now.


I made a fresh start in 2022 to only track .config, and I did not carry the history over, check out the main_2022-03-12 branch if you're interested in my old approach.


Stow is used to manage the symlinks. Since most tools respect the XDG base directory spec now, it's just a matter of stow -S ., but traditional dotfiles could also be tracked with a little restructuring.

To deal with SSH I have a $HOME/.ssh/config along these lines:

Include ~/.config/ssh/defaults

Host xyz
  Port 1337
  Compression yes
