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Releases: postmannen/ctrl

Web UI

19 Feb 08:10
Choose a tag to compare

Added the initial implementation of a WEB UI.
NB: This release have breaking changes with versions <v0.2.0



25 Jan 22:00
Choose a tag to compare

Rewrote large parts of the code. The API is not backwards compatible with previous versions.

Current functionality:

Method name Description
opProcessList Get a list of the running processes
opProcessStart Start up a process
opProcessStop Stop a process
cliCommand Will run the command given, and return the stdout output of the command when the command is done
cliCommandCont Will run the command given, and return the stdout output of the command continously while the command runs
tailFile Tail log files on some node, and get the result for each new line read sent back in a reply message
httpGet Scrape web url, and get the html sent back in a reply message
hello Send Hello messages
copySrc Copy a file from one node to another node
errorLog Method for receiving error logs for Central error logger
none Don't send a reply message
console Print to stdout or stderr
fileAppend Append to file, can also write to unix sockets
file Write to file, can also write to unix sockets
portSrc Forward tcp conntections between ctrl nodes