Releases: postmannen/ctrl
Releases · postmannen/ctrl
Web UI
Added the initial implementation of a WEB UI.
NB: This release have breaking changes with versions <v0.2.0
Rewrote large parts of the code. The API is not backwards compatible with previous versions.
Current functionality:
Method name | Description |
opProcessList | Get a list of the running processes |
opProcessStart | Start up a process |
opProcessStop | Stop a process |
cliCommand | Will run the command given, and return the stdout output of the command when the command is done |
cliCommandCont | Will run the command given, and return the stdout output of the command continously while the command runs |
tailFile | Tail log files on some node, and get the result for each new line read sent back in a reply message |
httpGet | Scrape web url, and get the html sent back in a reply message |
hello | Send Hello messages |
copySrc | Copy a file from one node to another node |
errorLog | Method for receiving error logs for Central error logger |
none | Don't send a reply message |
console | Print to stdout or stderr |
fileAppend | Append to file, can also write to unix sockets |
file | Write to file, can also write to unix sockets |
portSrc | Forward tcp conntections between ctrl nodes |