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A Java library for robust manipulation and serialization of data structures based on common formats.


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Anoa is a Java 8 library, language, compiler and Maven plugin for accessing and serializing structured data with Avro, Protobuf, Thrift and Jackson in a sane and consistent manner.


At AdGear, we deal with event logs a lot. Events are all over the place, in Kafka topics, in files, S3 buckets, etc. and they're processed in Hadoop map-reduce jobs, Storm topologies, command-line tools, scripts of all kinds. And naturally event definitions evolve with time, so change must be handled gracefully.

We like to use tried-and-proven cross-platform serialization libraries because we hate reinventing the wheel. Avro is good for batched data and long-term storage, Protobuf is good over the wire, JSON is simply ubiquitous and Jackson is its de-facto default parser in javaland. Thrift also exists.

Anoa glues these tools together and exposes them with a consistent API:

  • Event schemata are defined using the Anoa language.
  • The Anoa compiler transpiles these definitions to semantically equivalent Avro, Protobuf and Thrift schemata; i.e. .avpr, .proto and .thrift files.
  • The Anoa Maven plugin compiles these schemata into correct Java source code, and generates Java interfaces for working with these Avro records, Protobuf messages and Thrift structs.
  • The Anoa library provides facilities for working with these Java objects, namely factories for generating de/serializers with one method call. No more writing error-prone badly-understood boilerplate. Exception-handling facilities are provided for dealing with broken data in batch de/serialization.
  • Last but not least the Anoa tools provide comprehensive Jackson support. This allows conversion of an Avro, Protobuf or Thrift object to and from a natural representation as a JSON object.

Project Structure

The Anoa project is divided into 7 Maven modules to try to keep dependencies to a minimum:

  • language contains the submodules related to the Anoa IDL compiler and the Maven plugin:
    • compiler has code generation code and a javacc parser definition;
    • plugin exposes the above as a Maven plugin;
  • library contains the submodules related to the Anoa library:
    • core contains the core components with a minimal set of dependencies.
    • tools provides extended Jackson support as well as various utilities.
  • test is a collection of integration tests for Anoa.


Compared to Protobuf version 1 or 2, or to Avro, the Anoa language may seem needlessly restrictive in terms of its expressivity, but experience has brought us to the same conclusions as those arrived to by the maintainers of Protobuf 3, namely that required fields and default values are bad for schema evolution. What it comes down to is you can't remove required fields once you've added them, and altering default values has all sorts of unintended consequences.


An anoa file can contain multiple schema definitions. Each schema definitions is either that of a structure or of an enumeration. These definitions are scoped to a namespace inferred by the path of the file from the anoa root directory, similar to java source code.

This is best described by example. Consider language/test/src/anoa to be the anoa root directory for this example. The files openrtb.anoa and com.adgear.anoa.test.ad_exchange.anoa respectively define the open_rtb and the com.adgear.anoa.test.ad_exchange namespaces. The latter file has two schema definitions: an enumeration named log_event_type and a structure named log_event.

All file paths, and hence namespaces, should follow lowercase-underscore naming conventions, much like java namespaces/packages.


Every anoa file contains at least one schema definition, as explained above.

AnoaFile             ::=  SchemaDefinition+
SchemaDefinition     ::=  EnumDefinition | StructDefinition
EnumDefinition       ::=  Name Alias* '[' EnumSymbolDefinition+ ']'
StructDefinition     ::=  Name Alias* '{' FieldDefinition+ '}'

Schema definition names

Enums and structs have names and aliases which also obey the lowercase-underscore convention. Enums are distinguished from structs in that they list their members between square brackets instead of curly braces. They both may have aliases, which if not qualified are assumed to belong to the current namespace.

Name                 ::=  Identifier
Alias                ::=  ','? ( Identifier | QualifiedIdentifier )
QualifiedIdentifier  ::=  ( Identifier '.' )+ Identifier
Identifier           ::=  ['a'-'z'] ( ['_''a'-'z''0'-'9'] )*


Enum symbols obey the uppercase-underscore convention, with the first ordinal being 0, as in java. Each enum symbol must be unique within the namespace (i.e. the file).

EnumSymbolDefinition ::=  EnumSymbol ( ',' | ';' ) ?
EnumSymbol           ::=  ['A'-'Z'] ( '_'? ['A'-'Z''0'-'9'] )*

Structure fields

Struct fields are tagged, as in Protobuf and Thrift, and they may be named and aliased as in Avro. If a name is not provided, it will be auto-generated based on the ordinal. In a struct definition, field must be defined with increasing ordinal numbers. Furthermore, as in Avro, fields may have custom properties. Finally, each field is typed.

Schemas evolve over time, and cross-compatibility is ensured provided certain rules are obeyed:

  1. A field definition cannot be deleted.
  2. A field ordinal cannot be altered.
  3. A field type cannot be altered (this includes the default value -- more on that later).
  4. A field name can be altered, as long as the old field name is added as an alias.

If these rules are obeyed, the largest ordinal can be considered to be the version number of the struct.

FieldDefinition      ::=  FieldOrdinal ':' FieldType FieldProperty* FieldName? FieldAlias* ';'
FieldOrdinal         ::=  IntegerLiteral
FieldType            ::=  ReferenceType | SeqType | MapType | PrimitiveType
FieldName            ::=  Identifier
FieldAlias           ::=  ','? Identifier

Field properties

Fields can be tagged with custom properties, as in Avro. Property keys can be set to an explicit primitive JSON value. If not explicit, then the value is true. The anoa compiler recognizes only two property keys: deprecated and removed. For instance, a field decorated with @deprecated or @deprecated(true), which is equivalent, will be marked as deprecated in its Avro and Protobuf schemata. Decorating it with @removed will remove it from the Avro schema and declare the field tag number as reserved in the Protobuf schema. This helps deal with the rule that a field definition may not be deleted.

FieldProperty        ::=  '@' PropertyKey ( '(' PropertyValue ')' )?
PropertyKey          ::=  Identifier
PropertyValue        ::=  BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | StringLiteral

Field types

A field's type can be another struct or enum, referred to by an identifier. If the identifier is unqualified, it must refer to a previous declaration in the same file. If it's qualified, the corresponding namespace will be imported. Circular dependencies are not allowed. The default value of a struct field is the default struct and the default value of an enum field is the first enum symbol of that type, as in Protobuf 3.

ReferenceType        ::=  QualifiedIdentifier | Identifier | '`' Identifier '`'

A field's type can also be a list or a set or a map of values, whose type is either a struct, or an enum, or a primitive type. The field's default value is the empty collection, as in Protobuf 3. At this time, only string is allowed as a map key type. Sets and Maps are sorted by key.

SeqType              ::=  ( 'list' | 'set' ) '<' ValueType '>'
MapType              ::=  'map' '<' MapKeyType ',' ValueType '>'
MapKeyType           ::=  'string'
ValueType            ::=  ReferenceType | PrimitiveValueType
PrimitiveValueType   ::=  'boolean' | 'bytes' | 'string' | IntegerType | RationalType

Primitive field types and default values

Finally, a field's type can be a primitive type. In this case, the field can also specify a custom default value. This custom default value is considered to be part of the field's type: for example, string("foo") is a type, and string("bar") is another, different type. The standard default values are the same ones as in Protobuf 3: zero for numerical types, false for the boolean, and the empty string for the string types. Consequently, the type boolean is equal to the type boolean(false), and likewise integer[,], rational[,,], bytes, string are equal to integer[,](0), rational[,,](0x0p0), bytes() and string(""), respectively.

PrimitiveType        ::=    'boolean'              ( '(' BooleanLiteral ')' )?
                          | 'bytes'                ( '(' BytesLiteral   ')' )?
                          | IntegerType            ( '(' IntegerLiteral ')' )?
                          | RationalType           ( '(' FloatLiteral   ')' )?
                          | 'string'               ( '(' StringLiteral  ')' )?

Numerical types

Anoa requests that numerical types specify range and precision information.

IntegerType          ::=   'sint8' | 'uint8' | 'sint16' | 'uint16' | 'sint32' | 'uint32'
                          | ( 'integer' IntegerPrecision )
RationalType         ::=   'float64'
                          | ( 'rational' '[' RatBound ',' RatBound ',' Mantissa ']' )
IntegerPrecision     ::=  '[' IntegerLiteral? ',' IntegerLiteral? ']'
RationalPrecision    ::=  '[' FloatLiteral? ',' FloatLiteral? ',' IntegerLiteral? ']'

The first and second literals are the lower and upper bounds, respectively. They default to -2^63 and 2^63-1 in the integral case, and -0x1.fffffffffffffP+1023 and 0x1.fffffffffffffP+1023 in the rational case. The third literal in the rational precision information is the number of bits required for representing the mantissa. If not specified, this corresponds to 53, the setting for IEEE 754 doubles.

Aliases are provided for the more common numerical types, float64 is rational[,,53] and

sint8    =  integer  [          -128, 127          ]
uint8    =  integer  [             0, 256          ]
sint16   =  integer  [       -32'768, 32'767       ]
uint16   =  integer  [             0, 65'536       ]
sint32   =  integer  [-2'147'483'648, 2'147'483'647]
uint32   =  integer  [             0, 4'294'967'296]


Beyond the Identifier and EnumSymbol literals presented above, the anoa language supports the usual primitive value literals. Boolean and text value literals are the same as in JSON and strings obey the same escaping rules. Byte strings however are represented as a sequence of integer value literals, which must be in the range [ 0x00, 0xff ]. Numeric literals are represented the same way as in Java in base 10 or in base 16. Integers can also be represented in base 8, and floats also accept the tokens NaN and Infinity.

BooleanLiteral       ::=  'true' | 'false'
BytesLiteral         ::=  IntegerLiteral+
FloatLiteral         ::=  <java_float_literal>
IntegerLiteral       ::=  <java_integer_literal>
StringLiteral        ::=  <json_string_literal>

Schema generation

Avro, Protobuf and Thrift schema generation obeys the principle of least surprise and produces pretty much what you'd expect. A few things to note:

  • Although Anoa requires Protobuf 3, the generated language level is proto2 to allow custom default values.
  • Integer types int and long are mapped to sint32 and sint64 in Protobuf.
  • Floating point type float is mapped to double in Thrift.

Avro, Protobuf and Thrift Java source generation

Subsequent Java code generation is also pretty straightforward and is handled by the Anoa maven plugin:

  • Avro SpecificRecord implementations are generated with "Avro" appended to the struct or enum name. For example, the struct bid_request in the open_rtb namespace becomes open_rtb.BidRequestAvro. The generated code is a drop-in replacement to that which would have been generated by Avro's SpecificCompiler invoked by avro-maven-plugin.
  • Protobuf protocols are generated with "Protobuf" appended to the name: open_rtb becomes the class OpenRtbProtobuf and bid_request becomes its subclass BidRequest. Code generation occurs by invoking the command-line protoc compiler.
  • Thrift TBase implementations are generated with "Thrift" appended to the struct or enum name, thus bid_request becomes open_rtb.BidRequestThrift. Code generation occurs by invoking the command-line thrift compiler. Unfortunately the Thrift compiler is buggy and binary thrift types with custom default values are broken. The Anoa plugin repairs the broken java code before it is compiled.
  • In addition to any of these implementations, Anoa also generates a 'native' interface implementation, which is as close to a POJO as possible and aims to serve as a reference implementation.

Plugin configuration settings which are of note:

  • generateAvro, generateProtobuf and generateThrift set whether Java code is generated along with the schemas or not. These are set to false by default and thus only the reference implementation is generated by default.
  • protocCommand and thriftCommand set the command for invoking the Protobuf and Thrift compilers, and are respectively set to protoc and thrift by default.

Interface generation

In general, the above objects would typically find their way into your Java applications' business logic, for example in bolts within a Storm topology or in mappers and reducers in a Hadoop job. We find it desirable to decouple the business logic from the underlying object representation, which is why the Anoa compiler also generates a Java interface for each enum and struct for building and accessing those in an representationally-agnostic manner.

Consider for example the simple struct defined in com.adgear.anoa.test:

simple {
  1: integer[,] foo;
  2: bytes bar;
  3: rational[,,] baz;

The compiler will generate an interface com.adgear.anoa.test.Simple and a sub-interface Builder that looks somewhat like this:

public interface Simple<T> extends Supplier<T>, Comparable<Simple<T>> Serializable {

  long getFoo();
  boolean isDefaultFoo();

  Supplier<byte[]> getBar();
  boolean isDefaultBar();

  double getBaz();
  boolean isDefaultBaz();

  Builder<T> newBuilder();

  public interface Builder<T> {

    Builder<T> setFoo(long value);
    Builder<T> clearFoo();

    Builder<T> getBar(Supplier<byte[]> value);
    Builder<T> clearBar();

    Builder<T> setBaz(double value);
    Builder<T> clearBaz();

    Simple<T> build();

The accessors are guaranteed to return immutable objects. Protobuf does this already, unfortunately Avro and Thrift don't and we've found this to be the source of countless subtle bugs. We try to make the underlying code as fast as possible while remaining correct.

The interface also defines various useful static methods: for creating builders, for conversion, for comparison, for metadata access, etc.


The Anoa core library can be divided into three general categories:

  • reading serialized objects: public methods and classes in package,
  • writing serialized objects: public methods and classes in package com.adgear.anoa.write,
  • exception handling: public methods and classes in package com.adgear.anoa.

See the anoa-core javadoc for more details.

We made sure to include only minimal dependencies in core, for this reason the tools module contains all the stuff that didn't fit in there, and more:

  • JDBC support,
  • extended Jackson support: CSV, CBOR, Smile, etc.
  • a few utility functions for operations on records, in,
  • a few command-line tools, in

See the anoa-tools javadoc for more details.

Version and build info

Anoa is currently built with:

Apache Avro 1.7.7
Google Protobuf 3.0.0
Apache Thrift 0.9.3
FasterXML Jackson 2.7.3

Building Anoa requires Maven version 3.X. To build without modifying anything, you need the protobuf compiler protoc (version 3.X) and the thrift compiler thrift (version 0.9.3) to be invocable as such on the command line. If they are not on the path on your system, you need to add the <protocCommand> and <thriftCommand> configuration settigns to the <anoa-maven-plugin> invocation in test/pom.xml. If you'd rather not bother with any of these command-line utilities, you will still be able to build the plugin and library modules on their own.


Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file for details. Copyright (C) 2013-2016, Marius Posta.


A Java library for robust manipulation and serialization of data structures based on common formats.







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