Release v1.3.0.4
This is a significant release with a breaking change, multiple new features and a number of minor fixes and improvements.
replaces update
The subcommand update
was renamed to rectify
to better express its purpose. The name update
suggested that this command could effectively migrate packages from one Poseidon version to the next, which was never the case. Structural and semantical changes to the package always have to be performed by the user through other means, so usually by manually editing the respective package files. rectify
only helps to adjust a number of parameters (mostly in the POSEIDON.yml file) after the changes have been applied: It updates checksums, iterates version numbers, adds contributors and appends logging information to CHANGELOG files. Despite this limitation it is still a valuable tool, especially for the management of large package archives, where structural changes are often applied to many packages at once, all requiring "rectification" in the end.
doesn't only introduce a different name, it also features a different interface. While update
was a catch-all procedure with an opinionated, default behaviour that could partially be adjusted with various flags, rectify
follows a much more transparent opt-in philosophy. The new interface allows to precisely choose which aspects of a package should be updated.
. They have to be requested explicitly!
Here is the new command line documentation of rectify
Usage: trident rectify (-d|--baseDir DIR) [--ignorePoseidonVersion]
[--poseidonVersion ?.?.?]
[--packageVersion VPART [--logText STRING]]
[--checksumAll | [--checksumGeno] [--checksumJanno]
[--checksumSSF] [--checksumBib]]
[--newContributors DSL]
Adjust POSEIDON.yml files automatically to package changes
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-d,--baseDir DIR A base directory to search for Poseidon packages.
--ignorePoseidonVersion Read packages even if their poseidonVersion is not
compatible with trident.
--poseidonVersion ?.?.? Poseidon version the packages should be updated to:
e.g. "2.5.3".
--packageVersion VPART Part of the package version number in the
POSEIDON.yml file that should be updated: Major,
Minor or Patch (see
--logText STRING Log text for this version in the CHANGELOG file.
--checksumAll Update all checksums.
--checksumGeno Update genotype data checksums.
--checksumJanno Update .janno file checksum.
--checksumSSF Update .ssf file checksum
--checksumBib Update .bib file checksum.
--newContributors DSL Contributors to add to the POSEIDON.yml file in the
form "[Firstname Lastname](Email address);...".
now provides different package archives and list
and fetch
can access them
trident serve
, so the subcommand behind the server providing the Poseidon Web API, can now host packages from multiple named archives in parallel. This works through a modified -d
interface on the command line and a new option ?archive=...
in the Web API. The client commands fetch
and list
can request information and package download from these different archives with a new option --archive
. If --archive
(or ?archive=...
in the http request) are not given, then the server falls back to a default archive (the first in -d
See the Poseidon public archive and Web API documentation for the concrete consequences of this new feature.
can now check individual files
The validate
subcommand is no longer confined to validating entire poseidon packages. It can still very much do so with -d
, where -- just as before -- a number of optional flags can be used to control the exact behaviour. This release, in fact, adds the new options --ignorePoseidonVersion
and --ignoreChecksums
here. But validate
can now also read, parse and thus check individual files: POSEIDON.yml files, genotype data files, .janno files, .ssf files or .bib files. This is tremendously useful for building packages step-by-step, e.g. in automatic pipelines.
Here is the new command line documentation of validate
Usage: trident validate ((-d|--baseDir DIR) [--ignoreGeno] [--fullGeno]
[--ignoreDuplicates] [-c|--ignoreChecksums]
[--ignorePoseidonVersion] |
--pyml FILE | (-p|--genoOne FILE) | --inFormat FORMAT
--genoFile FILE --snpFile FILE --indFile FILE |
--janno FILE | --ssf FILE | --bib FILE) [--noExitCode]
Check Poseidon packages or package components for structural correctness
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-d,--baseDir DIR A base directory to search for Poseidon packages.
--ignoreGeno Ignore snp and geno file.
--fullGeno Test parsing of all SNPs (by default only the first
100 SNPs are probed).
--ignoreDuplicates Do not stop on duplicated individual names in the
package collection.
-c,--ignoreChecksums Whether to ignore checksums. Useful for speedup in
--ignorePoseidonVersion Read packages even if their poseidonVersion is not
compatible with trident.
--pyml FILE Path to a POSEIDON.yml file.
-p,--genoOne FILE One of the input genotype data files. Expects .bed,
.bim or .fam for PLINK and .geno, .snp or .ind for
EIGENSTRAT. The other files must be in the same
directory and must have the same base name.
--inFormat FORMAT The format of the input genotype data: EIGENSTRAT or
PLINK. Only necessary for data input with --genoFile
+ --snpFile + --indFile.
--genoFile FILE Path to the input geno file.
--snpFile FILE Path to the input snp file.
--indFile FILE Path to the input ind file.
--janno FILE Path to a .janno file.
--ssf FILE Path to a .ssf file.
--bib FILE Path to a .bib file.
--noExitCode Do not produce an explicit exit code.
Other, minor changes
- Fixed the behaviour of
when combining .bib files. Publication duplicates are now properly removed upon merging and the output is alphabetically sorted. - Added a global option
, which is short for--logMode VerboseLog
. - Refactored
to make the resulting counts more accurate. Some variables in the output table have been renamed as well. - Fixed the behaviour of
when updating a chronicle file (with-u
): ThelastModified
field is now only touched if there is actually a change in the package list. - Some cleaning of the general
command line documentation: Added meaningful meta variables to all arguments. - Shortened the default command line output of
to make it more readable. - Slightly better error handling for failed http requests in
andlist --remote