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Merge pull request #282 from poseidon-framework/jannocoalesce
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nevrome authored Feb 26, 2024
2 parents 0cdea0d + d81a951 commit f9e6464
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Showing 15 changed files with 632 additions and 102 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
- V
- Added new tool `trident jannocoalesce`, which merges information from a source .janno file to a target .janno file.
- V
- Added better error messages for generic cassava parsing (e.g. for broken Int and Double fields) in .janno files.
- Added better error handling and messages for inconsistent `Date_*`, `Contamination_*` and `Relation_*` columns in .janno files using an `Except` & `Writer` monad stack.
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,49 @@
### V

This release adds an entirely new subcommand to merge two `.janno` files (`jannocoalecse`) and improves the error messages for broken `.janno` files.

#### Merging `.janno` files with `jannocoalesce`

The need for a tool to combine the information of two `.janno` files arose in the Poseidon ecosystem as we started to conceptualize the Poseidon [Minotaur Archive]( This archive will be populated by paper-wise Poseidon packages for which the genotype data was regenerated through the Minotaur workflow (work in progress). We plan to reprocess various packages that are already in the [Poseidon Community Archive]( and for these packages we want to copy e.g. spatiotemporal information from the already available `.janno` files. `jannocoalesce` is the answer to this specific need, but can also be useful for various other applications.

It generally works by reading a source `.janno` file with `-s|--sourceFile` (or all `.janno` files in a `-d|--baseDir`) and a target `.janno` file with `-t|--targetFile`. It then merges these files by a key column, which can be selected with `--sourceKey` and `--targetKey`. The default for both of these key columns is the `Poseidon_ID`. In case the entries in the key columns slightly and systematically differ, e.g. because the `Poseidon_ID`s in either have a special suffix (for example `_SG`), then the `--stripIdRegex` option allows to strip these with a regular expression.

`jannocoalesce` generally attempts to fill **all** empty cells in the target `.janno` file with information from the source. `--includeColumns` and `--excludeColumns` allow to select specific columns for which this should be done. In some cases it may be desirable to not just fill empty fields in the target, but overwrite the information already there with the `-f|--force` option. If the target file should be preserved, then the output can be directed to a new output `.janno` file with `-o|--outFile`.

#### Better error messages for broken `.janno` files

`.janno` file validation is a core feature of `trident`. With this release we try to improve the error messages for a two common situations:

1. Broken number fields. This can happen, if some text or wrong character ends up in a number field.

So far the error messages for this case have been pretty technical. Here for example if an integer field is filled with `430;`, where the integer number `430` is accidentally written with a trailing `;`:

parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: expected Int, got "430;" (incomplete field parse, leftover: [59]))

The new error message is more clear:

parse error in one column (expected data type: Int, broken value: "430;", problematic characters: ";")

2. Inconsistent `Date_*`, `Contamination_*` and `Relation_*` columns. These sets of columns have to be cross-consistent, following a logic that is especially complex for the `Date_*` fields (see [here](

So far any inconsistency was reported with this generic error message:

The Date_* columns are not consistent

Now we include far more precise messages, like e.g.:

Date_Type is not "C14", but either Date_C14_Uncal_BP or Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err are not empty.

This should simplify tedious `.janno` file debugging in the future.

### V

This small release fixes a performance issue related to finding the latest version of all packages. The bug had severe detrimental effects on `forge` and `fetch`, which are now resolved.
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions poseidon-hs.cabal
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: poseidon-hs
synopsis: A package with tools for working with Poseidon Genotype Data
description: The tools in this package read and analyse Poseidon-formatted genotype databases, a modular system for storing genotype data from thousands of individuals.
license: MIT
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ library
Poseidon.CLI.Summarise, Poseidon.CLI.Validate, Poseidon.Utils,
Poseidon.CLI.Survey, Poseidon.CLI.Forge, Poseidon.CLI.Init,
Poseidon.CLI.Rectify, Poseidon.CLI.Fetch, Poseidon.CLI.Genoconvert,
Poseidon.CLI.OptparseApplicativeParsers, Poseidon.CLI.Timetravel
Poseidon.CLI.OptparseApplicativeParsers, Poseidon.CLI.Timetravel,
other-modules: Paths_poseidon_hs
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, sequence-formats>=1.6.1, text, time, pipes-safe,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ Test-Suite poseidon-tools-tests
filepath, pipes, pipes-safe, pipes-ordered-zip,
unordered-containers, cassava, containers, process
other-modules: Poseidon.PackageSpec, Poseidon.JannoSpec,
Poseidon.BibFileSpec, Poseidon.MathHelpersSpec,
Poseidon.BibFileSpec, Poseidon.MathHelpersSpec, Poseidon.JannocoalesceSpec,
Poseidon.SummariseSpec, Poseidon.SurveySpec, Poseidon.GenotypeDataSpec,
Poseidon.EntitiesListSpec, PoseidonGoldenTests.GoldenTestsValidateChecksumsSpec,
PoseidonGoldenTests.GoldenTestsRunCommands, Poseidon.ChronicleSpec,
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42 changes: 30 additions & 12 deletions src-executables/Main-trident.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import Poseidon.CLI.Genoconvert (GenoconvertOptions (..
import Poseidon.CLI.Init (InitOptions (..),
import Poseidon.CLI.Jannocoalesce (JannoCoalesceOptions (..),
import Poseidon.CLI.List (ListOptions (..),
import Poseidon.CLI.OptparseApplicativeParsers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ data Subcommand =
| CmdChronicle ChronicleOptions
| CmdTimetravel TimetravelOptions
| CmdServe ServeOptions
| CmdJannoCoalesce JannoCoalesceOptions

main :: IO ()
main = do
Expand All @@ -88,18 +91,20 @@ main = do

runCmd :: Subcommand -> PoseidonIO ()
runCmd o = case o of
CmdInit opts -> runInit opts
CmdList opts -> runList opts
CmdFetch opts -> runFetch opts
CmdForge opts -> runForge opts
CmdGenoconvert opts -> runGenoconvert opts
CmdSummarise opts -> runSummarise opts
CmdSurvey opts -> runSurvey opts
CmdRectify opts -> runRectify opts
CmdValidate opts -> runValidate opts
CmdChronicle opts -> runChronicle opts
CmdTimetravel opts -> runTimetravel opts
CmdServe opts -> runServerMainThread opts
-- alphabetic order
CmdChronicle opts -> runChronicle opts
CmdFetch opts -> runFetch opts
CmdForge opts -> runForge opts
CmdGenoconvert opts -> runGenoconvert opts
CmdJannoCoalesce opts -> runJannocoalesce opts
CmdInit opts -> runInit opts
CmdList opts -> runList opts
CmdRectify opts -> runRectify opts
CmdServe opts -> runServerMainThread opts
CmdSummarise opts -> runSummarise opts
CmdSurvey opts -> runSurvey opts
CmdTimetravel opts -> runTimetravel opts
CmdValidate opts -> runValidate opts

optParserInfo :: OP.ParserInfo Options
optParserInfo = (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +136,7 @@ subcommandParser = OP.subparser (
OP.command "fetch" fetchOptInfo <>
OP.command "forge" forgeOptInfo <>
OP.command "genoconvert" genoconvertOptInfo <>
OP.command "jannocoalesce" jannocoalesceOptInfo <>
OP.command "rectify" rectifyOptInfo <>
OP.commandGroup "Package creation and manipulation commands:"
) <|>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +188,8 @@ subcommandParser = OP.subparser (
(OP.progDesc "Construct package directories from chronicle files")
serveOptInfo = (OP.helper <*> (CmdServe <$> serveOptParser))
(OP.progDesc "Serve Poseidon packages via HTTP or HTTPS")
jannocoalesceOptInfo = (OP.helper <*> (CmdJannoCoalesce <$> jannocoalesceOptParser))
(OP.progDesc "Coalesce information from one or multiple janno files to another one")

initOptParser :: OP.Parser InitOptions
initOptParser = InitOptions <$> parseInGenotypeDataset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,3 +268,13 @@ serveOptParser = ServeOptions <$> parseArchiveBasePaths
<*> parsePort
<*> parseIgnoreChecksums
<*> parseMaybeCertFiles

jannocoalesceOptParser :: OP.Parser JannoCoalesceOptions
jannocoalesceOptParser = JannoCoalesceOptions <$> parseJannocoalSourceSpec
<*> parseJannocoalTargetFile
<*> parseJannocoalOutSpec
<*> parseJannocoalJannoColumns
<*> parseJannocoalOverride
<*> parseJannocoalSourceKey
<*> parseJannocoalTargetKey
<*> parseJannocoalIdStripRegex
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions src/Poseidon/CLI/Jannocoalesce.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Poseidon.CLI.Jannocoalesce where

import Poseidon.Janno (JannoRow (..), JannoRows (..),
readJannoFile, writeJannoFile)
import Poseidon.Package (PackageReadOptions (..),
import Poseidon.Utils (PoseidonException (..), PoseidonIO,
logDebug, logInfo, logWarning)

import Control.Monad (filterM, forM_, when)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.Csv as Csv
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.IORef as R
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Text (pack, replace, unpack)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))

-- the source can be a single janno file, or a set of base directories as usual.
data JannoSourceSpec = JannoSourceSingle FilePath | JannoSourceBaseDirs [FilePath]

data CoalesceJannoColumnSpec =
| IncludeJannoColumns [BSC.ByteString]
| ExcludeJannoColumns [BSC.ByteString]

data JannoCoalesceOptions = JannoCoalesceOptions
{ _jannocoalesceSource :: JannoSourceSpec
, _jannocoalesceTarget :: FilePath
, _jannocoalesceOutSpec :: Maybe FilePath -- Nothing means "in place"
, _jannocoalesceJannoColumns :: CoalesceJannoColumnSpec
, _jannocoalesceOverwriteColumns :: Bool
, _jannocoalesceSourceKey :: String -- by default set to "Poseidon_ID"
, _jannocoalesceTargetKey :: String -- by default set to "Poseidon_ID"
, _jannocoalesceIdStrip :: Maybe String -- an optional regex to strip from target and source keys

runJannocoalesce :: JannoCoalesceOptions -> PoseidonIO ()
runJannocoalesce (JannoCoalesceOptions sourceSpec target outSpec fields overwrite sKey tKey maybeStrip) = do
JannoRows sourceRows <- case sourceSpec of
JannoSourceSingle sourceFile -> readJannoFile sourceFile
JannoSourceBaseDirs sourceDirs -> do
let pacReadOpts = defaultPackageReadOptions {
_readOptIgnoreChecksums = True
, _readOptGenoCheck = False
, _readOptIgnoreGeno = True
, _readOptOnlyLatest = True
getJointJanno <$> readPoseidonPackageCollection pacReadOpts sourceDirs
JannoRows targetRows <- readJannoFile target

newJanno <- makeNewJannoRows sourceRows targetRows fields overwrite sKey tKey maybeStrip

let outPath = maybe target id outSpec
logInfo $ "Writing to file (directory will be created if missing): " ++ outPath
liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory outPath)
writeJannoFile outPath (JannoRows newJanno)

type CounterMismatches = R.IORef Int
type CounterCopied = R.IORef Int

makeNewJannoRows :: [JannoRow] -> [JannoRow] -> CoalesceJannoColumnSpec -> Bool -> String -> String -> Maybe String -> PoseidonIO [JannoRow]
makeNewJannoRows sourceRows targetRows fields overwrite sKey tKey maybeStrip = do
logInfo "Starting to coalesce..."
counterMismatches <- liftIO $ R.newIORef 0
counterCopied <- liftIO $ R.newIORef 0
newRows <- mapM (makeNewJannoRow counterMismatches counterCopied) targetRows
counterCopiedVal <- liftIO $ R.readIORef counterCopied
counterMismatchesVal <- liftIO $ R.readIORef counterMismatches
logInfo $ "Copied " ++ show counterCopiedVal ++ " values"
when (counterMismatchesVal > 0) $
logWarning $ "Failed to find matches for " ++ show counterMismatchesVal ++ " target rows in source"
return newRows
makeNewJannoRow :: CounterMismatches -> CounterCopied -> JannoRow -> PoseidonIO JannoRow
makeNewJannoRow cm cp targetRow = do
posId <- getKeyFromJanno targetRow tKey
sourceRowCandidates <- filterM (\r -> (matchWithOptionalStrip maybeStrip posId) <$> getKeyFromJanno r sKey) sourceRows
case sourceRowCandidates of
[] -> do
logWarning $ "no match for target " ++ posId ++ " in source"
liftIO $ R.modifyIORef cm (+1)
return targetRow
[keyRow] -> mergeRow cp targetRow keyRow fields overwrite sKey tKey
_ -> throwM $ PoseidonGenericException $ "source file contains multiple rows with key " ++ posId

getKeyFromJanno :: (MonadThrow m) => JannoRow -> String -> m String
getKeyFromJanno jannoRow key = do
let jannoRowDict = Csv.toNamedRecord jannoRow
case jannoRowDict HM.!? (BSC.pack key) of
Nothing -> throwM $ PoseidonGenericException ("Key " ++ key ++ " not present in .janno file")
Just r -> return $ BSC.unpack r

matchWithOptionalStrip :: (Maybe String) -> String -> String -> Bool
matchWithOptionalStrip maybeRegex id1 id2 =
case maybeRegex of
Nothing -> id1 == id2
Just r ->
let id1stripped = stripR r id1
id2stripped = stripR r id2
in id1stripped == id2stripped
stripR :: String -> String -> String
stripR r s =
let match = s =~ r
in if null match then s else unpack $ replace (pack match) "" (pack s)

mergeRow :: CounterCopied -> JannoRow -> JannoRow -> CoalesceJannoColumnSpec -> Bool -> String -> String -> PoseidonIO JannoRow
mergeRow cp targetRow sourceRow fields overwrite sKey tKey = do
let sourceKeys = HM.keys sourceRowRecord
sourceKeysDesired = determineDesiredSourceKeys sourceKeys fields
-- fill in the target row with dummy values for desired fields that might not be present yet
targetComplete = HM.union targetRowRecord (HM.fromList $ map (, BSC.empty) sourceKeysDesired)
newRowRecord = HM.mapWithKey fillFromSource targetComplete
parseResult = Csv.runParser . Csv.parseNamedRecord $ newRowRecord
logInfo $ "matched target " ++ BSC.unpack (targetComplete HM.! BSC.pack tKey) ++
" with source " ++ BSC.unpack (sourceRowRecord HM.! BSC.pack sKey)
case parseResult of
Left err -> throwM . PoseidonGenericException $ ".janno row-merge error: " ++ err
Right r -> do
let newFields = HM.differenceWith (\v1 v2 -> if v1 == v2 then Nothing else Just v1) newRowRecord targetComplete
if HM.null newFields then do
logDebug "-- no changes"
else do
forM_ (HM.toList newFields) $ \(key, val) -> do
liftIO $ R.modifyIORef cp (+1)
logDebug $ "-- copied \"" ++ BSC.unpack val ++ "\" from column " ++ BSC.unpack key
return r
targetRowRecord :: Csv.NamedRecord
targetRowRecord = Csv.toNamedRecord targetRow
sourceRowRecord :: Csv.NamedRecord
sourceRowRecord = Csv.toNamedRecord sourceRow
determineDesiredSourceKeys :: [BSC.ByteString] -> CoalesceJannoColumnSpec -> [BSC.ByteString]
determineDesiredSourceKeys keys AllJannoColumns = keys
determineDesiredSourceKeys _ (IncludeJannoColumns included) = included
determineDesiredSourceKeys keys (ExcludeJannoColumns excluded) = keys \\ excluded
fillFromSource :: BSC.ByteString -> BSC.ByteString -> BSC.ByteString
fillFromSource key targetVal =
-- don't overwrite key
if key /= BSC.pack tKey
-- overwrite field only if it's requested
&& includeField key fields
-- overwrite only empty fields, except overwrite is set
&& (targetVal `elem` ["n/a", "", BSC.empty] || overwrite)
then HM.findWithDefault "" key sourceRowRecord
else targetVal
includeField :: BSC.ByteString -> CoalesceJannoColumnSpec -> Bool
includeField _ AllJannoColumns = True
includeField key (IncludeJannoColumns xs) = key `elem` xs
includeField key (ExcludeJannoColumns xs) = key `notElem` xs

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