A Compiler Tool Written in Rust for The popper langage
in Popper code
external {
func printf(a: string, ...): int
struct Foo {
a: int,
b: int
func add(a: int, b: int): int {
return a + b;
func main() {
let foo = Foo { a = 11, b = 12 };
printf("11 + 22 = %d\n", add(foo.a, foo.b));
for i in 3:9 {
printf("i = %d\n", i);
is compiled to the Mirage Code
module helloworld;
target x86_64-all-macos;
extern printf: args[@string, ...], ret[@void]
type Foo = { @int32, @int32 }
global .str0 = @string "11 + 22 = %d\n\0"
global .str1 = @string "i = %d\n\0"
add(@int32, @int32) @int32 {
block0 #start:
ret = add_int32 arg0, arg1
main() @void #main {
block0 #start: ; the flag start show that the function start by block0
v0 = copy .str0 ; the copy operator copy a value into a variable
v1 = copy .str1
v2 = new Foo, {@int32 11, @int32 12} ; v0 is a immutable const variable thats mean that the variable can countains big size data but cant be changed
r0 = get v2, 0 ; get the value at the 0 index of the struct Foo
r1 = get v2, 1
r2 = add { r0, r1 }
printf { v0, r2 }
free v0, v2 ; we don't use anymore the variable v0, v2 so we delete
r0 = const @int64 3
jump for0
jeq block1, r0, 9
printf { v1, r0 }
incr_int64 r0
jump for0
free r0, r1
use mirage::ir::builder::{BasicBlockBuilder, Builder};
use mirage::ir::module::Module;
use mirage::ir::object::{MirageTypeEnum, FunctionType}
fn main() {
let module = Module::new("sum"); // Create a new module named sum
let mut builder = Builder::new(module); // Create a new builder with the module sum
builder.set_default_target(); // Set the target to the target's machine you're running
let fn_type = FunctionType::new(
let mut fn_value = fn_type.fn_value("sum"); // create the function `sum` with the type `(int32, int32) -> int32`
let lhs = fn_value.get_nth_args(0); // get the first argument
let rhs = fn_value.get_nth_args(1); // get the second argument
let mut basic_block_builder = fn_value
.builder(); // add a basic block to the function `sum` and create a basic block builder
let res = basic_block_builder.build_int_add(lhs, rhs) // emulate the add operation and store the result into res variable
basic_block_builder.build_ret(res); // return the `res` variable
builder.add_function(fn_value); // add the `sum` function to the builder
builder.print_to_stdout(); // print the ir generated into stdout
that will get this ir:
module sum;
target macos-x86_64-gcc;
sum(@int32, @int32) @int32 {
r0 = add_int32 arg0, arg1
ret = r0
use mirage::compiler::{
Compiler, Config
/* SNIP */
fn main() {
/* SNIP */
let compiler = Compiler::new(Config::default());
let output = compiler
); // compile the ir generated to a Output
Execution Engine are a way to interact with the generated code
let sum: extern "C" fn(i32, i32) -> i32 = output
!("{}", sum(1, 2)) // 3