You will find all the resources that I created while teaching Calculus VI (M244) at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. You can see below a screenshot of the home page of the website I created for the class. The website can be accessed through this link:
In the following note, I describe in more details each section of the website.
The Home page is the main page where all of the information for the class is available. The important documents such as the syllabus, the study guide, and some resources are available. Also, the day and time when we meet and the location is also shown using a google map.
The Schedule page was created to track the assignments, midterms, and lecture meetings. I used a google calendar and share it with the student so they can link it to their phone.
The Lecture Notes page was the most important one. This is where the students could download the lectures notes to annotate them in class. After the lecture, I uploaded the annotated lecture notes completed during lecture that day. You can either find the lecture notes in the files in this github repository or go download them from the course website directly. Whatever option you prefer :)
To organize the content of this webpage, I used tables as pictured below.
Each table has the Chapter number as a title and contains all the material for that chapter.
- The first column is the section number of the chapter.
- The second column is the pdf for the lecture notes (no annotations).
- The third column is the pdf for the updated annotated lecture notes.
- The fourth column is the pdf of the exercises to complete.
- The fifth column is the pdf of the solutions to the exercises.
The only exception to that format was the last table of the Lecture Notes webpage. This table contains pre-requisite materials from the course Calculus III (M243). You can check it out!
The Homework webpage explains the format of the homework. I decided to assign exercises from the textbook weekly. You can find the solutions to each homework (13 in total) in the file Homework in this repository.
I won't explain more, just go read the text on that webpage. It will be self-explainatory.
This is not a webpage from the course webpage. It is, however, an important part of the course. There were two summaries assigned during the semester.
At the beginning of Chapter 15 (the first week of the semester), I asked the students to submit a summary of section 12.1, 12.5, and 12.6 from the textbook. They had to upload their summary to the LMS the next week. Below is the precise instruction of the assignment.
A week before starting the material from Chapter 16 (approx. in the middle of the semester), I asked the student to submit a second summary, this time on section 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 from the textbook. Same here, the students uploaded their summary to the LMS the next week.
There is a document in this repository in which I collected a small collection of examples of answers by students to some of the questions asked in the instructions.
For this class, I lectured using the lecture notes templates. I used my tablet wacom connected to my laptop. I would project my notes at the same time as lecturing. It was the responsibility of the students to arrive prepared to the class, with the notes already downloaded or printed.
There was a homework assignment every week, except when there was an exam the next week. The Schedule webpage gives you more information on that.
I had three midterms and one final. Usually, the final is cumulative, but I would sometimes do the final on the last part of the class.
Also, when presenting the concepts of curl and divergence, I would present the really good 3Blue1Brown video. What I like about this video is it explains the concepts pretty well with great visuals, but also it explains well the intuition behind these two concepts. After showing that video in class, I start lecturing and present the exact formulas of the divergence and curl. Then, show them how to compute those quantities to complement the video from 3Blue1Brown.
I hope this will help you plan you class.
All the pictures used in the lecture notes are from the main textbook used at UH Manoa Calculus by James Stuart.
If you want to download all the files from this repository as a .zip on your computer, follow the steps illustrated in the picutre below.
Here is a list of useful tools/material that used constantly in my classes:
- Xournal++:
- Wacom tablet (medium):
- Desmos to plot graphs of functions:
- Desmos' YouTube Channel (to learn how to use the tools from Desmos):
You can reach me by email [email protected] if you have any questions or if you would like to add your own contributions. Best of luck!