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This website is powered by the Ruby-based framework Jekyll and hosted by GitHub Pages.

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This installation guide was written for a UNIX-based OS. If you encounter issues following these instructions while installing on Windows, please refer to Jekyll's documentation (

First, install Ruby on the website

Then open a terminal and run :

gem install jekyll bundler
git clone
cd pep.enpc/
bundle install

Then start the local server running :

bundle exec jekyll serve

and browse http://localhost:4000/. Here you go.

Adding posts to the blog service

To add an article, all you need is to create a file in the /_posts/ folder. The name of the file should be like

Let's focus on a practical example. Create a the file /_posts/ and paste the code below :

title: PEP à la Station F
layout: posts
permalink: station-f/
date: 2018-10-12
lang: fr
description: "Aujourd'hui, les membres de PEP ont eu l'occasion de visiter la Station F : une expérience pleine de découvertes et de rencontres pour nos Junior-Entrepreuneurs !"

# PEP viste la Station F

Ce mercredi 10 octobre, les membres de PEP ont eu la chance de visiter la Station F, le célèbre campus de startup parisien. Ce lieu clef pour les entrepreneurs franciliens réunit plus d'une vingtaine d'accélerateurs de startups.
header attribute value
title string on the tab bar
layout keep this value equal to posts
permalink url path to the article
lang keep this value equal to fr
description description of the article
thumbnail (optional) file_name of the thumbnail
alt (if you add a thumbnail) description of the thumbnail

Add an image to the posts' list (thumbnail)

This list is available at the url /blog. To add a thumbnail image next to the article description, you'll need to add an image in the /img/posts/thumbnails/ folder. This platform allows .jpg and .png images. For the thumbnail, I recommend 400x290 images.

Let's practice with our example. Add the image /img/posts/thumbnails/station-f-thumbnail.jpg. Then, complete the YAML header in the file /_posts/ :

thumbnail: station-f-thumbnail.jpg
alt: Station F


Add images to your articles

To add an image in an article, you'll need to add the image in the /img/posts/ folder.

If you add the file /img/posts/station-f.png, you will be able to get it displayed in your article by adding the following line in /_posts/ :


![PEP devant la Station F](/img/posts/station-f.png){:class="img-responsive img-centered"}
    <p style="text-align: center; font-weight: 100; color: rgba(150, 150, 150, 1)">
        Ceci est la légende associée

Add anchor links to your articles

Just add the following line in /_posts/ :


Pour avoir plus d'informations sur la Station F, cliquez [ici](

Customize the style of your articles

You can also add HTML blocks and inline CSS to the markdown files to give a fully personalized style to each article.


<div style="text-align: center; margin: 20px;">
            This text has an italic font-decoration
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 500px;">
    <img src="/img/posts/equipe.jpg" style="width: 100%;" alt="Description">

Add quotes to your articles


<div style="margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;">
    <img src="/img/posts/tools/quote-mode.png" alt="begin quote" style="float: left;" width="10" height="10">
    <div style="text-align: center; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;">
                Your fantastic quote
            <img src="/img/posts/tools/reverse-quote-mode.png" alt="end quote" style="float: right; margin-top: 7px;" width="10" height="10">

Add Youtube Videos to your articles

As a clickable image :


[![Description of your video]({:class="img-responsive img-centered"}](

As an embedded youtube video reader :


<div class="video-wrapper">
	<div class="video-container">
		<iframe src="" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0"></iframe>

For further information, feel free to contact me : [email protected]