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Syntax of zwirn

m edited this page Feb 9, 2025 · 2 revisions



actions are the basic building block of a zwirn program. there are different types of actions:

  • definitions
  • stream actions
  • stream set actions
  • etc.

multiple actions can be run simultaneously by separating them with a semicolon, for example


if there is only one action, the semicolon can be omitted.


defintions are of the form

name var1 var2 .. varN = <<expression>>

this will create a new expression that can be referenced via it's name. var1 .. varN are variable names that can appear in the expression on the right-hand side.

Examples: x = [1 2 3 4], f x = [x x]

Stream actions

stream actions are of the form

<<id>> <- <<expression>>

this will start streaming the signal defined via the expression on the right hand side on the channel with the name <>, where <> can be a number or a string.

Examples: 1 <- s "bd", "myChannel" <- fast 4 $ s "sn"

Tidal's equivalent of the above would be d1 $ s "bd and p "myChannel" $ fast 4 $ s "sn"


expressions are a way to notate signals and are defined recursively. there are three types of basic expressions:

  • numbers: 0, 1.5, -2, -0.33333, etc.
  • text: "", "hello", "zwirn", etc.
  • variables: x, y11, hello, cuteFunction, etc.

these basic expressions are used to create more complex ones.


sequences are written in square brackets, with spaces between the inside expressions. They can be nested.

Examples: [1 2 3 4], [1 [2 3]], ["bd" "sn" mySample1 mySample2]


an application of an expression to other expression is written with spaces between the expressions, but not inside of square brackets.

Examples: rev [1 2 3 4], fast 2 [3 4]

to write applications inside of sequences, wrap the application in round brackets: [1 (rev [1 2 3 4]) 2 (every 4 (const [1 2]) 1)]

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