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Folders and files

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Getting set up

Hyperterminal is a modern, multi-platform terminal app.



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cd => We can move around the file system with the cd (“Change Directory”). => A single dot (.) refers to the current directory. Two dots (..) refer to the parent directory. pwd => is used to print the 'present working directory'. ls => contents of the current working directory. Flags:

  • -l “long”, which prints the directory contents in a detailed list with metadata.
  • -a "all", which will include hidden files and directories.

Working with files and folders

mkdir - Creates a directory or subdirectory. touch - Ceate a file. rm - This command allows us to delete individual files. !*It's permanently and irrevocably deleted. Flags:

  • -r This command will delete everything inside some dir<>.
  • -f If you have some problem with the file permission, you can use a flag -f (Forse).
    cp - command for copying files from one location to another

cp [...file/directory-sources] [destination]

Interrupting commands

When we're satisfied with the results, we can interrupt it by holding ctrl and pressing c. Another helpful command is ctrl + d. This will end the current session. If ctrl + c isn't working for some reason, ctrl + d may work instead.

Opening the project in your IDE

When you fish to start working on a project, you start by navigating to the project's root directory in the terminal. After that, you can run the following command.: code .

Reinstalling dependencies

Here's how we can do this: cd <path> => rm -rf

=> npm/yarn/pnpm

Working with Git

// View changes
git diff

// Create a new local branch
git switch -c [new branch name]

// Switch branches
git switch [branch name]

Lil’ tricks

Suppose we want to bounce back and forth between two directories with cd it's exhausting but we might utilize a helpful comman cd - or git checkout

Clearing the terminal some different ways: There are a few ways to accomplish this. There's a clear command. There's you can use a shortcut something like this ctrl + shift + k.


How to Create Bash Aliases

Switching to a GUI file explorer

On Windows, the explorer . command will do this

Chaining commands

git add . && git commit -m "Stuff" && git push origin main The && operator allows us to chain multiple commands together. The first command will be executed, npm install. The moment it finishes, the second command will be run automatically.

Terminal tiling and tabs

In Hyper, we can split the window into multiple vertical panes by selecting Shell -> Split down. ctrl + shift + d to close a current focus window => ctrl + d

Resources: The Front-End Developer's Guide to the Terminal


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