ROS2 package publishing the /robot_description of Reachy using its URDF and creating the services handling the kinematics of both arms and Orbita actuator.
ROS2 Version: Foxy
Dependencies: reachy_msgs
How to install:
cd ~/reachy_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/reachy_ws/
colcon build --packages-select reachy_kinematics
To install PyKDL (on Ubuntu 20.04):
sudo apt install python3-pykdl
- /robot_description (std_msgs/msg/String) - Description of Reachy's URDF as a string. Needed by the arm kinematics computation.
More information can be found on the robot_state_publisher GitHub.
/left_arm/kinematics/forward (reachy_msgs/srv/GetArmFK.srv) - Compute the forward kinematics for the given positions of left arm motors. Returns the pose in the robot frame of the joint at the end of the requested kinematic chain.
/left_arm/kinematics/inverse (reachy_msgs/srv/GetArmIK.srv) - Compute the inverse kinematics for the requested joint pose in a left arm kinematic chain. Returns the joints goal positions to reachy the joint pose.
/right_arm/kinematics/forward (reachy_msgs/srv/GetArmFK.srv) - Compute the forward kinematics for the given positions of right arm motors. Returns the pose in the robot frame of the joint at the end of the requested kinematic chain.
/right_arm/kinematics/inverse (reachy_msgs/srv/GetArmIK.srv) - Compute the inverse kinematics for the requested joint pose in a right arm kinematic chain. Returns the joints goal positions to reachy the joint pose.
- - Publish Reachy's urdf in /robot_description, needed by the arm kinematics solver.
- - Launch the two kinematics services for Reachy's arms.
- - Start the three launch files at once.
This package is part of the ROS2-based software release of the version 2021 of Reachy.
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