This package is clone from @polkadot/ui-identicon. Just for running in the React Native. A generic identity icon that can render icons based on the theme, be it Substrate or Polkadot.
To install the component, do npm install polkadot-identicon-react-native
Inside a React component, you can now render any account with the associated icon -
import Identicon from 'polkadot-identicon-react-native';
render () {
// address is an ss58-encoded address or publicKey (hex string or Uint8Array)
const { address } = this.props;
// size (optional) is a number, indicating the size (in pixels, 64 as default)
const size = 32;
// theme (optional), depicts the type of icon, either 'polkadot' or 'substrate' (default)
const theme = 'polkadot';
// standard className & style props are also available
return (
#TODO Now the 'theme is polkadot' is done, but the substrate theme have some another issue need to do.