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Point Social Example Zapp

Welcome to the Point Social Example Zapp. This README is a basic guide to getting started with this application.

This is a React JS app. So you will need to install dependencies for it and run a build watcher if you want to develop it further.

Prepare deployment

Since this a React JS site it rquires to be built before it can be deployed as follows:

npm i
npm run build

Now a public folder will be created containing the deployable built site.

Start your local Point Node and deploy the Zapp by following the instructions here.

Rebuild on changes using watch

You can simply run the watch command here to automatically rebuild the React frontend on any changes you make.

npm run watch

Now when you save changes to any of the projects components the project will be automatically built and you can refresh the Point Browser to review the updated changes immediately.

Run tests

To run the tests:

npm test