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A neural network implementation in Theano using SGD with momentum for training.


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Neural Network


This is a module that provides objects and functions that are useful for constructing neural networks. The simplest way to use it is to go type import neuralnetwork in an interactive Python shell, and go from there.


Supported layer types: tanh, sigmoid, relu, softplus, softmax

Supported cost functions: categorical crossentropy, binary crossentropy, quadratic

Training: minibatch SGD with optional momentum, optional early stopping

Regularization: optional L2

Evaluation methods: classification accuracy, autoencoder accuracy, cost value

Supported layer initialization methods: Glorot (for tanh and sigmoid), He (for relu and softplus)

Other features: saving and loading networks to the disk, constructing networks from arbitrary layers -- even ones trained in other networks, ensemble networks

Planned Features

Layer types: convolutional, lstm

Cost functions: negative log-likelihood

Training: optional learning rate schedule, optional momentum schedule

Regularization: optional dropout, optional minibatch normalization

Evaluation Methods: better autoencoder accuracy

Layer initialization methods: layer sequential unit variance (Mishkin, Matas 2016)


First install Theano 0.9.0 0.8.2 and Numpy. Theano 0.9.0 works fine, but has a memory leak issue when there is not a linked version of BLAS. It's not noticable on small networks, but on large ones, it can lead to crashing the system. You can configure Theano however you'd like, however, this code has not been tested on a GPU, so procede with caution.

You can then clone the repository with git clone

Run an interactive Python shell in the directory, and type import neuralnetwork

This repository contains three datasets frequently used for machine learning tasks - the MNIST handwriting dataset, the iris dataset, and the abalone dataset. The directories for each dataset contain pickles of the dataset, divided into a training set, a test set, and a validation set. The pickles are stored in a form usable by Network objects provided by You can access the datasets as follows:

with open($FILENAME$, "rb") as f:
  train, test, val = pickle.Unpickler(f).load()

The MNIST dataset provided here gives much better performance when it is scaled by dividing every value by 255. The script will properly load and scale the dataset into a training set, a test set, and a validaiton set. After running it inside of a python instance, you'll have the variables train, test, and val that have their respective data. It takes a moment because of the size of the dataset.

To create a basic neural network, you use a command like net = neuralnetwork.Network(net_description,learning_rate) where net_description is a list of tuples of the form (number_of_nodes, layer_type) that describe the network.

You can train a network with Network.train($TRAINING_DATA$,$EPOCHS$)

All functions, classes, and methods have a docstring containing usage information, so help() can be used to find usage information.


This is built with Theano 0.9.0 0.8.2, Numpy 1.9.2, and Python 3.4.3/3.5.3.


A neural network implementation in Theano using SGD with momentum for training.







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