Section 1: nodejs_app
Install dependencies npm install
Run application.
npm start Browser http://localhost:3000?name=walid
You should see walid
Run test npm test
Section 2:make install-git-hooks
git hook installation :
1- Add a folder "hooks" into your git repository that you are cloned
2- Create in this folder file "pre-push"
3-in the directory of git repository that is cloned, Create file Makefile
CURRENT_DIR = $(shell pwd)
install-git-hooks: ##@git-hooks Install git hooks
@rm -rf .git/hooks && ln -s -f ${CURRENT_DIR}/hooks ${CURRENT_DIR}/.git/hooks
in order to create a symlink "the .git/hooks points /hooks"
the goal is to keep your hooks within version control
4- execute the task: make install-git-hooks
5- go to .git/
ls -lash , you should get this:
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Mar 14 06:36 hooks -> /home/yosr/nodejs_app/hooks
6-Finally, from now after you clone your repository, run this command make install-git-hooks
to install git hooks