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pocopico edited this page May 16, 2023 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the tcrpfriend, some generic instructions for TCRP Friend.

TCRP Friend boots automatically after including it with your build or bringfriend command.

On the booting countdown you can stop and perform manually a series of actions

Command Description
./ patchkernel Patches the kernel
./ patchramdisk Patches the ramdisk
./ extractramdisk extracts ramdisk for troubleshooting
./ forcejunior Boots the system and forces re-install
./ patchkernel Patches the kernel
./ Boots the system

Required Files :

  • File/Location: /mnt/tcrp
  • Description: Its the third partition of the loader that holds a number of files required for loader operation. Do not remove files from the loader disk unless you are certain that can be removed.
  • Files and description :
Filename Description
vmlinuz64 Tinycore Linux kernel
cde Tinycore Linux Packages
corepure64.gz Tinycore Linux Ramdisk
lastsession TCRP Last session files
backup backup files created with ./ backuploader
mydata.tgz Tinycore Linux user files
auxfiles TCRP auxfiles, cache pat files etc
zImage-dsm Patched DSM kernel
initrd-dsm Patched DSM ramdisk
friendlog.log TCRP Friend log
initrd-friend TCRP Friend ramdisk
bzImage-friend TCRP Friend kernel
user_config.json TCRP Friend and TCRP user_config.json, contains user configuration keys

TCRP Friend specific user_config.json configuration keys that enable disable functions

In general the keys should not be manually edited but there are some keys that instruct TCRP Friend to act in a certain way. These are :

“friendautoupd”: “true” If set to true (default) TCRP Friend will seek for TCRP Friend updates and update automatically
“hidesensitive”: “true” If set to true (default) TCRP Friend will hide sensitive info from screen after going for boot
“staticboot”: “false” If set to true TCRP Friend will exit after update checks/patches and will boot from your static grub entry
“ipsettings”: { In no DHCP environments this is where you set your TCRP Friend manual IP settings
“ipset”: “”, static or dhcp
“ipaddr”: “”, IP Address e.g.
“ipgw”: “”, Gateway
“ipdns”: “”, DNS
“ipproxy”: “” PROXY:PORT