This repository purspose is to store some helper scripts and other stuff for developping and testing. All stable scripts are store either in the stable folder or in a new repository.
Simple docker-compose to deploy docker inside a container. Useful to test new image or your deployment script!
Copy docker volume to a host folder.
$ sh copy_docker_to_host name_of_container /path/you/want/to/copy /path/to/destination/on/host
I had problem with dimond module installation on my Home Assistant (Hass) container and I didn't wanted to build a custom image which I would have needed to rebuild for each version.
So! I've made a script and add it to my Hass Automation task.
Setup Hass
Put the script in a folder that you will bind with your container (i.e.: /config)
Deploy Home Assistant Image
Add this line in the configuration.yaml
check_dimond: "sh"
- Add an automation in Hass to run on server start to run the script
Copy docker volume to a host folder.
Thank you to muhammad-numan for the answer on StackOverflow
Put the script in your local repository
(Optional) Add the script in your .gitignor
$ echo "" > .gitignore
- Run the script
$ sh branch commit_message