Open-source server for the android game "Drag Racing: Streets" aka "Street racing".
APK Version | Client version | Obfuscated | Link |
v1.8.1 | 35 | No | 4PDA (Login required) |
v1.8.2 | 35 | Yes (weakly) | Apk4Fun |
v1.8.5 | 36 | Yes | Web Archive |
v1.8.6 | 37 | Yes | Web Archive |
The APK needs be modified, for e.g., using MT Manager.
- In the SRConfig class to replace the content server address from "" to yours.
- If needed, clone the APK.
- Initially, the login works only through Odnoklassniki and Facebook, in order for VKontakte to work
you need to change in file resources.arsc
or higher. Unfortunately, login via Google Play Games Service is not available in any way.
The game uses protobuf.
mkdir "./proto/out"
protoc --proto_path=proto/src --go_out=./proto/out --go_opt=paths=source_relative proto/src/*.proto
Copy conf/Conf.go_example
to conf/Conf.go
and fill in the required fields for the server ip and mysql database credentials.
go run main.go
The resources and items are not fully consistent with game version 1.8.x.
Please note that this repository uses Git LFS.