Implementation by Phillip R. Neal [email protected]
Developed and tested on a clapped out MacAir running macOS Catalina Verison 10.15.7
For this project, the goal is for the rover to learn to keep away from the walls and the square in the middle.
Some of the ideas are from :
Evolution of Spiking Neural Circuits in Autonomous Mobile Robots Dario Floreano, Yann Epars, Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Claudio Mattiussi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, 2005 (The SNN paper)
Spiking Nerural Networks with a ga are a lot cooler than the usual Rumelhart-McClelland feed-forward neural networks. It is a specific case of an extreme learning machine
Some of the Rust code with Nannou is from
I assume you have developed at least 1 program in Rust and you are familiar with the cargo toolset.
Get to command line
cd to rust_snn directory
cargo build
This will take some time. Nannou has to be loaded and compiled.
cargo run