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Paul McSweeney edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 11 revisions

Click boostSticks.yml to see the default contents.

If you are using another language then you should use a file beginning with a two-character prefix for that language, for example cn_boostSticks.yml for Chinese. The language prefix is registered in the languages: setting in config.yml.

Boost sticks are the item or tool that you hold that enables the click action in the game. Boost sticks are purely cosmetic. The boostSticks.yml configuration file enables you to create your own Boost sticks, translate to another language, and determine how they are given to players when a game starts.

Set true to give each player any one of the Boost sticks by random choice by the game.
Set false to give a player the Boost sticks they have permission to get using the boost.stick.<stick name> permission.

Set to the name of the default Boost stick to give a player when they don't have any specific boost.stick. permission and random: is set to false. The value must match one of the nodes under stick_types:. default: will usually be set to the first in the list under stick_types: since later sticks are considered better when checking permissions.

give_only_best: When random is set to false and players are given Boost sticks by permission, this option determines if they are given only their 'best' stick or all of sticks that they have permission to get. Boost sticks later in the file are considered "better" when choosing by permission. Set true to give only a player's best stick. Set false to give a player all sticks that they have permission to get.

The various Boost sticks are configured under the stick_types: node. Each has a configuration node of its own. In the default file, the first is wood:. You can have as many Boost stick configuration entries as you want and you can use any configuration node name for each.

For example, the following is the structure for Boost sticks wood and stone. default: is false so sticks are given by permission and the default is wood, which is the first entry under stick_types:. stone would only be given to players with the permission boost.stick.stone unless they also had permission for another stick that came later in the file.

  random: false
  default: wood

Individual Boost sticks

Each Boost stick has the following configuration nodes.

Configuration node Meaning
name: Display name for the stick. You can include colour and formatting codes, and use any name you like.
item: Material name for the item or tool to use as this Boost stick. You can try any value from the Material enum. However, some item types may not support clicking in air.
lore: Multi-line text block for the descriptive text that appears when you hover over the stick in your inventory.
particles: Configuration for the particles to spawn when using this boost stick.
Each stick can have its own choice of particles.


Boost can optionally show particles for certain events or actions during a game. If you omit the configuration nodes for particles on boost sticks then Boost will use the default configuration for particles in config.yml. Particles specified for a stick in this file, boostSticks.yml, take precedence over the defaults.

Configuration node Meaning
boost: A stream of particles along your line of sight when you click to boost.
hit: A burst of particles above the block that you hit when you click to boost.
boosted: A burst of particles where a player was standing if you boost that player.

Each particle type has the following configuration settings.

Configuration node Meaning
particle: The name of the particle to spawn.
The names must come from the list in org.bukkit.Particle.
Set to '' to disable spawning that particle.
type: Some particles, e.g. BLOCK_DUST, require additional data in the form of BlockData or MaterialData (depending on your server version).
Specify the data type here if your chosen particle requires it.
number: Specify the number of particles to spawn at each point.
spacing: Only the boost: particle makes use of spacing:.
Specifies the spacing between points where the particle(s) will be spawned along your line of sight.
The line ends at the first block that you hit or at the game's target_dist:, whichever is reached first.

For example, the following is the configuration block for a Boost stick that will be called "Stone Stomper" in game.

      name: '&7Stone Stomper'
      item: 'STONE_HOE'
      - '&5Boost Stick'
      - '&7Right click to boost players'
          particle: SPELL
          number: 15
          particle: TOWN_AURA
          number: 1
          spacing: 1.0
          particle: EXPLOSION_LARGE
          number: 1

The configuration node is stone:, which is what you would use to set it as the default or to set permission to use it. The item is a stone hoe. The descriptive text when hovering over the stick would read:

Boost Stick
Right click to boost players

The stick has its own configuration of particles.