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Releases: pmelsted/bifrost


15 Mar 16:02
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New querying options

  • -Q, --files-as-queries: It is now possible to use a file containing one or multiple sequences as one query.
  • -E, --min-nb-colors: Requires that a query occurs in a user-provided minimum number of colors to report the query as present in the graph

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug with incorrect read positions in input files causing suboptimal construction time
  • Fix bug with the resizing of MinimizerIndex and KmerHashtable causing program hanging for very small input data


  • CLI updated. Querying works a little differently from previous versions. Default behavior for previous versions was to report presence/absence of each query. New behavior is to report the number of k-mers from each query shared with the graph or with its colors, unless parameter -e is used explicitly in which case presence/absence is reported. Parameter -p will make the querying report a ratio of found k-mers (with respect to the number of k-mers in each query) rather than a number
  • README updated: New "Benchmarking" section provides guidelines on how to properly compare other tools to Bifrost, use cases updated, citation updated, installation description simplified, etc.


20 Nov 08:55
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Minor upgrade to 1.3.0:

  • Fix compilation issues for MacOS and FreeBSD
  • Fix issue with reporting the ratio of k-mers found in each query for colored dBGs
  • Fix issue with the inexact k-mer search in colored dBGs


10 Oct 14:01
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Bifrost memory usage and running time has improved by up to 30% (depending on the input dataset)

  • The minimizer index and kmer hash-table use now robin-hood hashing instead of linear probing. They default to 95% maximum bucket occupancy instead of 80% in previous versions. Furthermore, hash table resizing uses now a 20% memory increase instead of doubling the size.
  • Blocked Bloom Filter uses a default 24 bits per key to enable a much faster joining step.
  • Extracting the exact unitigs from the Blocked Bloom Filter is done in 3 steps instead of 2: approximate unitigs are extracted to disk, read from disk and indexed in memory before annotating k-mers with their respective counts. Reader-writer locks can be avoided this way. However, Bifrost now uses a bit of disk space.
  • Code refactoring

New options for querying

  • -p, --nb-found-km: Output the number of found k-mers for each query (disable parameter -e)
  • -P, --ratio-found-km: Output the ratio of found k-mers for each query (disable parameter -e)
  • Fix rounding issue in #67

This version breaks Bifrost Index File (.bfi) compatibility with previous Bifrost versions, i.e. v1.3.0 cannot read .bfi files generated by v1.2.1 and older versions.


30 Jun 13:43
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Update kseq to latest version:

  • Faster reading from FASTA/FASTQ
  • Reads sequences larger than 2 GB
  • Experiments show lower memory usage


02 Nov 10:04
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  • GFA and FASTA output are now compressed by default. Compressed GFA/FASTA can be read by Bifrost.
  • Optional Bifrost binary output (instead of GFA/FASTA). Uses less disk space than GFA/FASTA and loads faster in memory.
  • Bifrost index output by default. Enables to load a Bifrost graph (GFA/FASTA or binary) much faster in memory.
  • Time and memory reduction on some datasets.
  • Minor bug fixes.

API and CLI compatibility breaks with previous versions but only minor changes (see Changelog). GCC version minimum requirement changes to 5.1 (from 4.8).


27 Apr 16:49
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  • Major bugfix for single-threaded construction
  • Minor bugfixes


10 Mar 13:16
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Minor update to

  • Remove XXHash dependency from install which had been put back by mistake in the cmake files.


21 Feb 15:41
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Minor update to v1.0.6.2:

  • Add MAX_GMER_SIZE compile variable to choose the maximum size of g-mers (minimizers). Works exactly the same as MAX_KMER_SIZE. By default, MAX_GMER_SIZE is equal to MAX_KMER_SIZE.
  • Fix an issue with the update function where the k-mer size of the input graph was not used to make the output graph (default k-mer size was used instead).


25 Jan 16:16
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Overall, Bifrost is now much faster and a lot more memory efficient compared to v1.0.5.

  • Improvement on the rolling hash-function RepHash (much less collisions for small values).
  • Blocked Bloom Filter cannot use over-loaded blocks anymore. When using the 2-blocks hashing method, if the 2 blocks are at >65% capacity, the minimizer is rehashed to find 2 new blocks which are hopefully not over-loaded. After 8 iterations of 2-overloaded blocks, the k-mer hash is stored in an unsorted_set.
  • AVX2 version of the Blocked Bloom Filter is disabled at the moment. It doesn't bring any performance gain over the non-AVX2 version anymore. Need some rework.
  • XXHash replaced with Wyhash


16 Sep 23:07
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Fix major problem with unitig deletion in colored dBGs