A Rails 3 engine encapsulating our app playground approach to design.
In a new project, we set up an independent playground
branch. Our designers can play around with and iterate designs within the app framework (i.e. using haml, sass, compass rails helpers etc.) without conflicting with the business code (database backed models etc.).
When its ready, the developers cherry pick or just copy haml and other design elements from the playground
gem install plus2-playground
# or Gemfile
gem 'plus2-playground'
In RAILS_ROOT/config/routes.rb
YourNewApp::Application.routes.draw do
Start your app.
Put your playground mockups into RAILS_ROOT/app/views/playground
The directory you put your templates in (under views/playground
) chooses the layout as follows:
playground/list_of_hammers.haml - application layout
playground/application/list_of_hammers.haml - application layout
playground/admin/list_of_nails.haml - admin layout
Now, navigate to your app in a browser.