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Fix VC history operation and add VC tests #49

merged 10 commits into from
Jun 27, 2023
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
packages = {
# This takes forever to build
ghc.components.library.doHaddock = false;
# Broken
temporary.components.library.doHaddock = false;
packages.inferno-core = {
enableLibraryProfiling = profiling;
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions inferno-vc/inferno-vc.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,36 @@ library
, TupleSections
, RecordWildCards

test-suite inferno-vc-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
base >=4.7 && <5
, containers
, hspec
, http-client
, inferno-types
, inferno-vc
, QuickCheck
, servant-client
, servant-server
, servant-typed-error
, temporary
, time
default-language: Haskell2010
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, LambdaCase
, OverloadedStrings
, TupleSections
, RecordWildCards
ghc-options: -Wall -Wunused-packages -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -threaded

-- An example executable definition, needs instantation of author/group types:
-- executable inferno-vc-server
-- main-is: Main.hs
Expand Down
225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions inferno-vc/test/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Main (main) where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Foreign.C (CTime (..))
import Inferno.Types.Syntax (Expr (Lit), Lit (LDouble), TV (TV))
import Inferno.Types.Type (ImplType (ImplType), TCScheme (ForallTC), typeDouble)
import Inferno.VersionControl.Client (ClientMWithVCStoreError, api, mkVCClientEnv)
import Inferno.VersionControl.Operations.Error (VCStoreError (..))
import Inferno.VersionControl.Server (VCServerError (VCServerError), runServerConfig)
import Inferno.VersionControl.Server.Types (ServerConfig (..))
import Inferno.VersionControl.Types (Pinned, VCMeta (..), VCObject (VCFunction), VCObjectHash, VCObjectPred (CloneOf, Init, MarkedBreakingWithPred), VCObjectVisibility (VCObjectPublic))
import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import Servant ((:<|>) (..))
import Servant.Client (BaseUrl (..), ClientEnv, Scheme (..), client)
import Servant.Typed.Error (runTypedClientM, typedClient)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrary, generate)

fetchFunction :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError (VCMeta Int Int (Expr (Pinned VCObjectHash) (), TCScheme))
fetchFunctionsForGroups :: Set.Set Int -> ClientMWithVCStoreError [VCMeta Int Int VCObjectHash]
fetchVCObject :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError (VCMeta Int Int VCObject)
fetchVCObjectHistory :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError [VCMeta Int Int VCObjectHash]
fetchVCObjects :: [VCObjectHash] -> ClientMWithVCStoreError (Map.Map VCObjectHash (VCMeta Int Int VCObject))
fetchVCObjectClosureHashes :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError [VCObjectHash]
pushFunction :: VCMeta Int Int (Expr (Pinned VCObjectHash) (), TCScheme) -> ClientMWithVCStoreError VCObjectHash
deleteAutosavedFunction :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError ()
deleteVCObject :: VCObjectHash -> ClientMWithVCStoreError ()
:<|> fetchFunctionsForGroups
:<|> fetchVCObject
:<|> fetchVCObjectHistory
:<|> fetchVCObjects
:<|> fetchVCObjectClosureHashes
:<|> pushFunction
:<|> deleteAutosavedFunction
:<|> deleteVCObject = typedClient $ client $ api @Int @Int

runOperation :: ClientEnv -> ClientMWithVCStoreError a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runOperation vcClientEnv op check = do
(flip runTypedClientM vcClientEnv op) >>= \case
Left err -> do
expectationFailure $ show err
Right res -> do
check res

runOperationFail :: (Show a) => ClientEnv -> ClientMWithVCStoreError a -> (VCServerError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runOperationFail vcClientEnv op check = do
(flip runTypedClientM vcClientEnv op) >>= \case
Left (Right err) -> do
check err
Left (Left err) -> do
expectationFailure $ "Expected VCServerError but failed with " <> show err
Right res -> do
expectationFailure $ "Expected this operation to fail but it returned " <> show res

createObj :: VCObjectPred -> IO (VCMeta Int Int (Expr (Pinned VCObjectHash) (), TCScheme))
createObj predecessor = do
ctime <- CTime . round . toRational . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime
d <- generate arbitrary
{ timestamp = ctime,
author = 432,
group = 432,
name = "Test",
description = "",
Inferno.VersionControl.Types.pred = predecessor,
visibility = VCObjectPublic,
obj = (Lit () (LDouble d), ForallTC [TV 0] mempty $ ImplType mempty $ typeDouble)

spec :: ClientEnv -> Spec
spec vcClientEnv =
describe "inferno-vc server" $ do
it "basics" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h1
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o2) $ \h2 -> do
o3 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h2
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o3) $ \h3 -> do
o4 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h3
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o4) $ \h4 -> do
-- Test fetchFunction:
forM_ [(o1, h1), (o2, h2), (o3, h3), (o4, h4)] $ \(o, h) ->
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchFunction h) $ \o' -> do
timestamp o' `shouldBe` timestamp o
obj o' `shouldBe` obj o

-- Test fetchVCObject:
forM_ [(o1, h1), (o2, h2), (o3, h3), (o4, h4)] $ \(o, h) ->
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObject h) $ \o' ->
case obj o' of
VCFunction e t -> do
timestamp o' `shouldBe` timestamp o
(e, t) `shouldBe` (obj o)
_ -> expectationFailure "Expected to get a VCFunction"

-- Test fetchVCObjects:
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObjects [h1, h3, h4]) $ \hashToMeta -> do
Set.fromList (Map.keys hashToMeta) `shouldBe` Set.fromList [h1, h3, h4]
forM_ [(o1, h1), (o3, h3), (o4, h4)] $ \(o, h) ->
case Map.lookup h hashToMeta of
Just meta ->
timestamp meta `shouldBe` timestamp o
Nothing -> expectationFailure "impossible"

-- fetchFunctionsForGroups only returns the head h4:
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchFunctionsForGroups (Set.singleton 432)) $ \metas -> do
map obj metas `shouldBe` [h4]

-- The closure of h4 should be empty as it has no dependencies:
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObjectClosureHashes h4) $ \metas -> do
metas `shouldBe` []

it "deletion" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o2) $ \h2 -> do
o3 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o3) $ \h3 -> do
o4 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o4) $ \h4 -> do
runOperation vcClientEnv (deleteVCObject h3) $ \() -> do
-- Fetching h3 should fail:
runOperationFail vcClientEnv (fetchFunction h3) $ \case
VCServerError (CouldNotFindPath _) -> pure ()
_ -> expectationFailure ""
-- Others should fetch:
forM_ [(o1, h1), (o2, h2), (o4, h4)] $ \(o, h) ->
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchFunction h) $ \o' -> do
timestamp o' `shouldBe` timestamp o
obj o' `shouldBe` obj o

-- -- TODO is fetchFunctionsForGRoups wrong? It is returning deleted scripts:
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@siddharth-krishna is this something that needs to be addressed?

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It needs more investigation, but it is unrelated to this PR (if it is a bug it's an existing bug). Maybe I'll open an issue to track it?

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-- runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchFunctionsForGroups (Set.singleton 432)) $ \metas -> do
-- Set.fromList (map obj metas) `shouldBe` Set.fromList [h4, h2, h1]

it "deletion of autosave" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction (o2 {name = "<AUTOSAVE>"})) $ \h2 -> do
-- h1 isn't an autosave so can't delete it:
runOperationFail vcClientEnv (deleteAutosavedFunction h1) $ \case
VCServerError (TryingToDeleteNonAutosave _) -> pure ()
_ -> expectationFailure ""
-- h2 is an autosave so it's fine
runOperation vcClientEnv (deleteAutosavedFunction h2) $ \() -> pure ()

it "history" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h1
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o2) $ \h2 -> do
o3 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h2
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o3) $ \h3 -> do
o4 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h3
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o4) $ \h4 -> do
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObjectHistory h4) $ \metas ->
(map obj metas) `shouldBe` [h4, h3, h2, h1]

it "history of clone" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h1
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o2) $ \h2 -> do
o3 <- createObj $ CloneOf h2
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o3) $ \h3 -> do
o4 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h3
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o4) $ \h4 -> do
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObjectHistory h4) $ \metas ->
(map obj metas) `shouldBe` [h4, h3, h2]

it "history of clone of clone" $ do
o1 <- createObj Init
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o1) $ \h1 -> do
o2 <- createObj $ CloneOf h1
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o2) $ \h2 -> do
o3 <- createObj $ CloneOf h2
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o3) $ \h3 -> do
o4 <- createObj $ MarkedBreakingWithPred h3
runOperation vcClientEnv (pushFunction o4) $ \h4 -> do
runOperation vcClientEnv (fetchVCObjectHistory h4) $ \metas ->
(map obj metas) `shouldBe` [h4, h3, h2]

main :: IO ()
main =
withSystemTempDirectory "vc_store_" $ \vcPath -> do
putStrLn $ "Store is at: " ++ (show vcPath)

putStr "Starting Inferno VC..."
_ <-
forkIO $
(Proxy :: Proxy Int)
(Proxy :: Proxy Int)
{ _serverHost = "",
_serverPort = 13077,
_vcPath = vcPath
man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
let vcClientEnv =
mkVCClientEnv man $
{ baseUrlScheme = Http,
baseUrlHost = "",
baseUrlPort = 13077,
baseUrlPath = []
putStrLn " Done."

hspec $ spec vcClientEnv