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Java Bindings for the Plaid API ( This library is generated from the Plaid OpenAPI spec.

Plaid API is defined in the PlaidApi interface.

Check the Junit test classes for examples of more use cases. Every API endpoint has at least one integration test against the sandbox environment.

Uses Retrofit and OkHttp under the hood. You may want to take a look at those libraries if you need to do anything out of the ordinary.


Plaid-java is available at Maven Central

  <!--Replace this version number with the version you would like to install, typically the latest version-->


As of 9.0.0, the library is generated from the OpenAPI spec. Previous versions were written manually and should still mostly work, but may not support newer functionality. Here's a link to 8.5.0, the latest pre-generated version.

Each major version of plaid-java targets a specific version of the Plaid API:

API version plaid-java release
2020-09-14 (latest) 8.x.x and higher
2019-05-29 7.x.x
2018-05-22 4.x.x (and 3.x.x)
2017-03-08 2.x.x

For information about what has changed between versions and how to update your integration, head to the version changelog.

The plaid-java client library is typically updated on a monthly basis. The canonical source for the latest version number is the client library changelog.

Data type differences from API and from previous versions


Dates and datetimes in requests, which are represented as strings in the API and in previous client library versions, are represented in this version of the Java client library as LocalDate or OffsetDateTime objects.

Time zone information is required for request fields that accept datetimes. Failing to include time zone information (or specifying a string, instead of an OffsetDateTime object) will result in an error.

If the API reference documentation for a request field specifies format: date, the following is acceptable:

import java.time.LocalDate;

LocalDate myDate = LocalDate.parse("2019-12-06");

If the API reference documentation for a request field specifies format: date-time, the following is acceptable:

import java.time.OffsetDateTime;

OffsetDateTime myDateTime = OffsetDateTime.parse("2019-12-06T22:35:49+00:00");


While the API represents enums using strings, and previous library versions used singletons, this current library uses enum types.


LinkTokenCreateRequest request = new LinkTokenCreateRequest(


LinkTokenCreateRequest request = new LinkTokenCreateRequest()

Basic Usage

private PlaidApi plaidClient;

HashMap<String, String> apiKeys = new HashMap<String, String>();
apiKeys.put("clientId", plaidClientId);
apiKeys.put("secret", plaidSecret);
apiClient = new ApiClient(apiKeys);
apiClient.setPlaidAdapter(ApiClient.Sandbox); // or equivalent, depending on which environment you're calling into
plaidClient = apiClient.createService(PlaidApi.class);

// Synchronously exchange a Link public_token for an API access_token
// Required request parameters are always Request object constructor arguments
ItemPublicTokenExchangeRequest request = new ItemPublicTokenExchangeRequest().publicToken("the_link_public_token");
Response<ItemPublicTokenExchangeResponse> response = plaidClient()

if (response.isSuccessful()) {
  accessToken = response.body().getAccessToken();

// Asynchronously do the same thing. Useful for potentially long-lived calls.
ItemPublicTokenExchangeRequest request = new ItemPublicTokenExchangeRequest().publicToken(publicToken);
    .enqueue(new Callback<ItemPublicTokenExchangeResponse>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<ItemPublicTokenExchangeResponse> call, Response<ItemPublicTokenExchangeResponse> response) {
          if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            accessToken = response.body.getAccessToken();

        public void onFailure(Call<ItemPublicTokenExchangeResponse> call, Throwable t) {
          // handle the failure as needed

// Decoding an unsuccessful response
try {
  Gson gson = new Gson();
  PlaidError error = gson.fromJson(response.errorBody().string(), PlaidError.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw new Exception(
      "Failed converting from API Response Error Body to Error %f",

Legacy API

If you're looking for a Java client that works with the legacy Plaid API, use versions of plaid-java before 2.1.0. The API and client are not backwards-compatible.