Based on CERN ROOT v6.20.06
Assume the baseline has been corrected to zero.
For LaBr3 waveform under 500MHz sampling rate, the range of influence of a single pulse is 100 samples before and after the peak.
Meanwhile, the range from 20 samples to the left of the peak to 80 samples to the right of the peak is considered as effective. The amplitude can be neglected outside this range for a single pulse.
std::vector<int> wave; // original waveform, to be initialized
int npnt = wave.size();
const int length = 100; // range of influence
const int rangeleft = -20; // effective wave range left
const int rangeright = 80; // effective wave range right
const int noise = 20; // maximum amplitude of noise
For LaBr3 waveform under 500MHz sampling rate, the parameter L for fastfilter is set to 5.
const int L = 5; // fastfilter parameter
std::vector<int> fastfilter;
for (int ipnt = 0; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
int ff = 0; // fastfilter value
if ( ipnt >= L && ipnt <= npnt-L ){
for (int jpnt = 0; jpnt < L; jpnt++)
ff += wave[ipnt+jpnt] - wave[ipnt-L+jpnt];
ff /= L;
To avoid false triggers, two fastfilter points before the trigger point are requested to be lower than the threshold.
std::vector<int> trigger;
for (int ipnt = 2; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
if ( fastfilter[ipnt] >= thres && fastfilter[ipnt-1] < thres && fastfilter[ipnt-2] < thres )
int ntrigger = trigger.size(); // total number of triggers
The following codes show the processing of a single waveform. In practice, all the waveform are processed and filled into the 2-D figures.
Triggers situated out of the range of influence of their neighbours are selected.
TH2D *h2fwhm; // FWHM vs. Amplitude 2-D histogram, to be initialized
for (int itrig = 0; itrig < ntrigger; itrig++){
// discard pile-up triggers
if ( itrig > 0 && trigger[itrig] - trigger[itrig-1] < length ) continue;
if ( itrig < ntrigger-1 && trigger[itrig+1] - trigger[itrig] < length ) continue;
// find peak position and height corresponding to the trigger
int xmax = -1;
double ymax = -1;
for (int ipnt = trigger[itrig]; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
if ( wave[ipnt] > ymax ){
ymax = wave[ipnt];
xmax = ipnt;
else if (ipnt - xmax > 5) break;
// discard incomplete pulse shapes at the edge of the waveform
if ( xmax < length || xmax > npnt - length ) continue;
// calculate FWHM
double left = -1000, right = -1000; // points crossing half maximum
for (int ipnt = trigger[itrig]; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
if ( wave[ipnt] <= ymax/2 && wave[ipnt+1] > ymax/2 )
left = ((wave[ipnt+1]-ymax/2)*ipnt-(wave[ipnt]-ymax/2)*(ipnt+1))/(wave[ipnt+1]-wave[ipnt]);
if ( wave[ipnt] >= ymax/2 && wave[ipnt+1] < ymax/2 )
right = ((wave[ipnt+1]-ymax/2)*ipnt-(wave[ipnt]-ymax/2)*(ipnt+1))/(wave[ipnt+1]-wave[ipnt]);
if ( left > 0 && right > 0 ) break;
double FWHM = right - left;
// plot 2-D histogram
h2fwhm->Fill(ymax, FWHM);
Use graphical cut in ROOT to select non-pile-up pulses from h2fwhm 2-D histogram, and save as ROOT script.
Then, read the script and get the TCutG as an object into the memory.
TCutG cutg; // graphical cut, to be initialized
The following codes show the processing of a single waveform. In practice, all the waveform are processed and filled into the scatter diagram.
Amplitude correlation of points in the range of influence are fitted.
const int nfitpnt = 2*length;
TGraph *grpnt[nfitpnt]; // PointHeight vs. Amplitude scatter diagram, to be initialized
for (int itrig = 0; itrig < ntrigger; itrig++){
// discard pile-up triggers
if ( itrig > 0 && trigger[itrig] - trigger[itrig-1] < length ) continue;
if ( itrig < ntrigger-1 && trigger[itrig+1] - trigger[itrig] < length ) continue;
// find peak position and height corresponding to the trigger
int xmax = -1;
double ymax = -1;
for (int ipnt = trigger[itrig]; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
if ( wave[ipnt] > ymax ){
ymax = wave[ipnt];
xmax = ipnt;
else if (ipnt - xmax > 5) break;
// discard incomplete pulse shapes at the edge of the waveform
if ( xmax < length || xmax > npnt - length ) continue;
// calculate FWHM
double left = -1000, right = -1000; // points crossing half maximum
for (int ipnt = trigger[itrig]; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++){
if ( wave[ipnt] <= ymax/2 && wave[ipnt+1] > ymax/2 )
left = ((wave[ipnt+1]-ymax/2)*ipnt-(wave[ipnt]-ymax/2)*(ipnt+1))/(wave[ipnt+1]-wave[ipnt]);
if ( wave[ipnt] >= ymax/2 && wave[ipnt+1] < ymax/2 )
right = ((wave[ipnt+1]-ymax/2)*ipnt-(wave[ipnt]-ymax/2)*(ipnt+1))/(wave[ipnt+1]-wave[ipnt]);
if ( left > 0 && right > 0 ) break;
double FWHM = right - left;
// eliminate peak pile-up pulses
if ( cutg->IsInside(ymax, FWHM) ) continue;
// plot 2-D figure
for (int ipnt = 0; ipnt < nfitpnt; ipnt++)
grpnt[ipnt]->SetPoint(grpnt[ipnt]->GetN(), ymax, wave[xmax+ipnt-length] / ymax);
TF1 *fpnt[nfitpnt];
for (int ifitpnt = 0; ifitpnt < nfitpnt; ifitpnt++){
fpnt[ifitpnt] = new TF1("fpnt", "[0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x", 0, 20000); // fitting function: quadratic polymonial
grpnt[ifitpnt]->Fit(fpntpol2[ifitpnt], "ROB"); // robust fit
For scintillator detectors, the deposited energy is proportional to the integral of the pulse.
TF1 *fe = new TF1("fe", "x*([0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x)", 0, 20000); // Integral vs. Amplitude correlation
for (int ifitpnt = 0; ifitpnt < nfitpnt; ifitpnt++){
if ( ifitpnt - length < rangeleft || ifitpnt - length > rangeright ) continue; // only integrate inside the effective range
fe->SetParameter(0, fe->GetParameter(0) + fpnt[ifitpnt]->GetParameter(0));
fe->SetParameter(1, fe->GetParameter(1) + fpnt[ifitpnt]->GetParameter(1));
fe->SetParameter(2, fe->GetParameter(2) + fpnt[ifitpnt]->GetParameter(2));
Saturated sections will be rejected during fitting, which is identified by consecutive identical amplitudes.
double rejval= -10000; // saturated amplitude value
std::vector<int> vrejpnts; // saturated sample points
for (int ipnt = 1; ipnt < gwave->GetN()-1; ipnt++)
if ( wave[ipnt] == wave[ipnt-1] && wave[ipnt] == wave[ipnt+1] ){ // 3 identical amplitudes in a row
rejval = wave[ipnt];
for ( int ipnt = 0; ipnt < npnt; ipnt++ )
if ( wave[ipnt] == rejval )
double fwave(double *val, double *par) // val: independent variable of the function; par: the parameters
double x0 = val[0]; // point in the waveform
// reject saturated sections
for ( int rejpnt : vrejpnts )
if ( abs(x0 - rejpnt) < 1 ){
return rejval;
double amplitude = 0;
int npeaks = par[0]; // number of peaks
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < npeaks; ipeak++){
double A = par[2*ipeak+1]; // amplitude of the peak
double pos = par[2*ipeak+2]; // position of the peak
double x = x0 - pos;
if ( x >= rangeleft && x <= rangeright ){ // only consider effective range
int x1 = int(x + length);
int x2 = x1 + 1;
double y1 = fpnt[x1]->Eval(A);
double y2 = fpnt[x2]->Eval(A);
double y0 = y1 + (y1-y2) * ((x+length)-x1) / (x1-x2); // interpolate between x1 and x2
amplitude += A * y0;
amplitude += 0;
return amplitude;
The longer the fitting section, the lower the demand for optimizing chi2/ndf by adding a new peak. We thus take the lower limit of the ratio between the chi2/ndf values of the latter and the former fitting as
const int peak2trig = 10; // the approximate distance from a peak to its fastfilter trigger
const double eta0 = 0.7;
int npeaks0;
for (int itrig = 0; itrig < int(vtrig.size()); itrig += npeaks0){
// get number of pile-up triggers
npeaks0 = 1;
for (int jtrig = itrig+1; jtrig < int(vtrig.size()); jtrig++){
if ( vtrig[jtrig] - vtrig[jtrig-1] <= length ) npeaks0++;
else break;
// fit range
int left = std::max( 0, vtrig[itrig+0] + rangeleft );
int right = std::min( vtrig[itrig+npeaks0-1] + rangeright, npnt );
// find peak positions as the initial value of first fitting
std::vector<double> vx, vy;
for (int jtrig = itrig; jtrig < itrig+npeaks0; jtrig++)
vx.push_back( vtrig[jtrig] + peak2trig ); // approximate position of peak
int npeaks = vx.size();
double chi2ndf0 = -1, chi2ndf1 = -1;
TFitResultPtr fr;
std::multimap<double, double> me;
// first fitting according to triggering
TF1 *f = new TF1("fwave", fwave, left, right, 2*npeaks0+1); // use of fit function
f->FixParameter(0, npeaks);
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < npeaks; ipeak++){
f->SetParameter(2*ipeak+1, std::max(wave[vx[ipeak]], 1.));
f->SetParLimits(2*ipeak+1, 0, 100000);
f->SetParameter(2*ipeak+2, vx[ipeak]);
f->SetParLimits(2*ipeak+2, left - rangeright, right - rangeleft);
fr = gwave->Fit(f, "SQRN");
chi2ndf0 = fr->Chi2() / fr->Ndf();
// record results of first fitting
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < npeaks; ipeak++){
vx[ipeak] = f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+2);
do {
npeaks = vx.size();
// search residual peaks
TH1I* hres = new TH1I("", "", right-left, left, right); // residual histogram
for (int ipnt = left; ipnt < right; ipnt++)
hres->SetBinContent(ipnt-left, abs( wave[ipnt] - f->Eval(ipnt) ) );
TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(500);
int nfound = s->Search(hres, 2, "", 0.1);
double *xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
double *ypeaks = s->GetPositionY();
for (int j = 0; j < nfound; j++)
if ( ypeaks[j] > noise ) // searched peaks should exceed maximum noise amplitude
me.insert(std::make_pair(ypeaks[j], xpeaks[j]));
if ( me.empty() ) break; // if residuals are all under noise level (no high peaks), finish fitting
// add a new peak and fit
bool addnewpeak = false;
if (f) delete f;
f = new TF1("fwave", fwave, left, right, 2*(npeaks+1)+1);
f->FixParameter(0, npeaks+1);
for (auto im = me.rbegin(); im != me.rend(); im++){
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < npeaks; ipeak++){
f->SetParameter(2*ipeak+1, std::max(vy[ipeak], 1.));
f->SetParLimits(2*ipeak+1, 0, 100000);
f->SetParameter(2*ipeak+2, vx[ipeak]);
f->SetParLimits(2*ipeak+2, left - rangeright, right - rangeleft);
f->SetParameter(2*npeaks+1, im->first);
f->SetParLimits(2*npeaks+1, 0, 100000);
f->SetParameter(2*npeaks+2, im->second);
f->SetParLimits(2*npeaks+2, left - rangeright, right - rangeleft);
fr = gwave->Fit(f, "SQRN");
chi2ndf1 = fr->Chi2() / fr->Ndf();
// verify if the add-peak fitting can optimize chi2/ndf value well enough
if ( chi2ndf1 < (1-(1-eta0)*(rangeright-rangeleft)/(right-left))*chi2ndf0 ){
addnewpeak = true;
if ( addnewpeak ){
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < npeaks; ipeak++){
vx[ipeak] = f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+2);
vy[ipeak] = f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+1);
chi2ndf0 = chi2ndf1;
else break;
} while (int(vx.size()) <= npeaks0 + 100); // maximum number of pile-up pulses is 100
// sort the fitted peaks by time
std::multimap<double,int> mt;
for (int ipeak = 0; ipeak < f->GetParameter(0); ipeak++)
mt.insert(std::make_pair(f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+2), ipeak));
// output results
for (auto im = mt.begin(); im != mt.end(); im++){
int ipeak = im->second;
double e = fe->Eval(f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+1)); // to be calibrated
double t = f->GetParameter(2*ipeak+2); // in the unit of sample point
int npileup = f->GetParameter(0); // number of pile-up peaks that are fitted together
double chi2ndf = chi2ndf0; // chi2/ndf value