This repository generates OpenSees Scripts for 69 special reinforced concrete shear wall archetypes ranging from 4- to 40-stories. The archetypes were designed using either ASCE 7-10 or ASCE 7-16 for Seattle and are described in further detail in the following journal publications:
Marafi, N. A., Makdisi, A. J., Eberhard, M. O., and Berman, J. W. (2020) Impacts of M9 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Seattle Basin on Performance of RC Core-Wall Buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering, in-press
Marafi, N. A., Makdisi, A. J., Berman, J. W., and Eberhard, M. O. (2020) Impacts of Design Strategies to Account for Effects of Sedimentary Basins on Reinforced Concrete Walls. Earthquake Spectra, in-press
The modelling methodology used in these wall archetypes are described in more detail in:
Marafi, N. A., Ahmed, K. A., Lowes, L. N., and Lehman, D. E. (2019) Sensitivity of Collapse Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Walls to Modelling Parameters. Journal of Structural Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002311.
To start using these archetypes, make sure to do the following first:
- Download the latest OpenSees executable file and make sure it is in your path environment.
- Make sure uniaxial material models Steel02Fatigue and Concrete02IS are included in the OpenSees executable.
Install OpenSeesAPI.
Install Jupyter Lab (or Jupyter Notebook).
Open WallAnalysisResults.ipynb using Jupyter to get started.