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Tim Barry

sceptre Nextflow pipeline

This repository contains the sceptre Nextflow pipeline. The sceptre Nextflow pipeline is a command line utility that facilitates running sceptre (i) out-of-core on a laptop or desktop or (ii) in a distributed fashion on a cluster or cloud. The sceptre Nextflow pipeline is highly scalable and memory-efficient; therefore, we recommend using the sceptre Nextflow pipeline instead of the R interface to sceptre in most cases.


  • Install Nextflow
  • Install the sceptre and ondisc packages:
# in R
setRepositories(ind = 1:4)
  • Install the the sceptre Nextflow pipeline.
# on command line 
nextflow pull timothy-barry/sceptre-pipeline

Pipeline arguments

We describe the sceptre pipeline arguments here. As an example we use data from the paper “A genome-wide framework for mapping gene regulation via cellular genetic screens” by Gasperini et al., 2019.

Input files

Four input files are required: (i) the multimodal ondisc matrix metadata file (multimodal_metadata_fp), (ii) the backing .odm file of the gene ondisc matrix (gene_odm_fp), (iii) the backing .odm file of the gRNA ondisc matrix (grna_odm_fp), and (iv) a data frame containing the set of gene-gRNA group pairs to analyze (pair_fp). On my (Tim’s) machine these files are located in the following places:

# in R
gasp_offsite_dir <- paste0(.get_config_path("LOCAL_SCEPTRE2_DATA_DIR"), "data/gasperini/at_scale/")
multimodal_metadata_fp <- paste0(gasp_offsite_dir, "multimodal_metadata.rds")
gene_odm_fp <- paste0(gasp_offsite_dir, "gene/matrix.odm")
grna_odm_fp <- paste0(gasp_offsite_dir, "grna_expression/matrix.odm")
pair_fp <- paste0(gasp_offsite_dir, "neg_control_pairs.rds")

The multimodal ondisc matrix should satisfy the following conditions.

  • The multimodal ondisc matrix should have modalities for the gene and gRNA data.
# in R
crispr_experiment <- read_multimodal_odm(odm_fps = c(gene_odm_fp, grna_odm_fp),
                                         multimodal_metadata_fp = multimodal_metadata_fp)
gene_modality <- get_modality(crispr_experiment, "gene")
grna_modality <- get_modality(crispr_experiment, "grna_expression")
  • The gRNA modality should be an integer-valued matrix of gRNA expressions or (less commonly) a logical matrix of gRNA-to-cell assignments. The feature covariate matrix of the gRNA modality should contain a column called grna_group indicating the “group” to which each gRNA belongs. Typically, targeting gRNAs are grouped according to the site that they target, and non-targeting gRNAs are grouped randomly into sets of size two or three.
# in R
#> A covariate_ondisc_matrix with the following components:
#>  An integer-valued ondisc_matrix with 13182 features and 206271 cells.
#>  A cell covariate matrix with columns n_nonzero, n_umis.
#>  A feature covariate matrix with columns mean_expression, n_nonzero, grna_group, target_type, target, target_gene.
grna_modality |>
  get_feature_covariates() |>
#>                      mean_expression n_nonzero   grna_group target_type
#> AAACCGCTCCCGAGCACGGG      0.08524339      1450 SH3BGRL3_TSS    gene_tss
#> AAATAGTGGGAAGATTCGTG      0.02863151       556 MTRNR2L8_TSS    gene_tss
#> AACACACCACGGAGGAGTGG      0.06421350       987   FAM83A_TSS    gene_tss
#> AACAGCCCGGCCGGCCAAGG      0.07196465      1192   ZNF593_TSS    gene_tss
#> AACGAGAGACTGCTTGCTGG      0.03283749       693   ATPIF1_TSS    gene_tss
#> AACGGCTCGGAAGCCTAGGG      0.07587158      1251    TIPRL_TSS    gene_tss
#>                                        target     target_gene
#> AAACCGCTCCCGAGCACGGG   chr1:26605667-26605668 ENSG00000142669
#> AAATAGTGGGAAGATTCGTG  chr11:10530735-10530736 ENSG00000255823
#> AACACACCACGGAGGAGTGG chr8:124191287-124191288 ENSG00000147689
#> AACAGCCCGGCCGGCCAAGG   chr1:26496362-26496363 ENSG00000142684
#> AACGAGAGACTGCTTGCTGG   chr1:28562620-28562621 ENSG00000130770
#> AACGGCTCGGAAGCCTAGGG chr1:168148171-168148172 ENSG00000143155
  • The gene modality should be an integer-valued matrix of gene expressions.
#> A covariate_ondisc_matrix with the following components:
#>  An integer-valued ondisc_matrix with 12129 features and 206271 cells.
#>  A cell covariate matrix with columns n_nonzero, n_umis, p_mito, batch.
#>  A feature covariate matrix with columns mean_expression, coef_of_variation, n_nonzero.

Next, the data frame containing the pairs to analyze should contain columns gene_id and grna_group. Additional columns are permitted but ignored.

# in R
pairs_df <- readRDS(pair_fp)
#>           gene_id grna_group
#> 1 ENSG00000238009  random_24
#> 2 ENSG00000237683  random_24
#> 3 ENSG00000228463  random_24
#> 4 ENSG00000237094  random_24
#> 5 ENSG00000235373  random_24
#> 6 ENSG00000228327  random_24

The gene IDs within the gene_id column should be a subset of the feature IDs of the gene modality; meanwhile, the grna groups within the grna_group column should be a subset of the entries of the grna_group column of the feature covariate matrix of the gRNA modality.

# in R
all(pairs_df$gene_id %in% get_feature_ids(gene_modality)) # gene ID check
#> [1] TRUE
all(pairs_df$grna_group  %in% get_feature_covariates(grna_modality)$grna_group) # gRNA group check
#> [1] TRUE

Output file

The output file path (result_fp) specifies the location to write the results.

Additional arguments

The sceptre pipeline accepts several additional arguments, ordered here from most important to least important.

  • formula: an R formula (stored as a string) specifying the covariates to adjust for in the analysis. The variables in the string are assumed to be columns of the global cell covariate matrix. An example formula is as follows:
# in bash

The variables in this formula (gene_p_mito, gene_batch, gene_n_nonzero, gene_n_umis, grna_n_nonzero, and grna_n_umis) are columns of the global cell covariate matrix:

# in R
crispr_experiment |> get_cell_covariates() |> head() 
#>                                  gene_n_nonzero gene_n_umis
#> AAACCTGAGAGGTACC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           3549       17566
#> AAACCTGAGTCAATAG-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           2543        8917
#> AAACCTGCAAACAACA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           3191       14626
#> AAACCTGCACTTCTGC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           4539       22783
#> AAACCTGCATGTAGTC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           2605       10124
#> AAACCTGGTAGCGCAA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2           2187        9743
#>                                  grna_assignment_n_nonzero
#> AAACCTGAGAGGTACC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        68
#> AAACCTGAGTCAATAG-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        31
#> AAACCTGCAAACAACA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        63
#> AAACCTGCACTTCTGC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        41
#> AAACCTGCATGTAGTC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        38
#> AAACCTGGTAGCGCAA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        58
#>                                  grna_expression_n_nonzero
#> AAACCTGAGAGGTACC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        84
#> AAACCTGAGTCAATAG-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        44
#> AAACCTGCAAACAACA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        82
#> AAACCTGCACTTCTGC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        56
#> AAACCTGCATGTAGTC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        71
#> AAACCTGGTAGCGCAA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                        79
#>                                  grna_expression_n_umis        batch
#> AAACCTGAGAGGTACC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                    994 prep_batch_1
#> AAACCTGAGTCAATAG-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                    347 prep_batch_1
#> AAACCTGCAAACAACA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                    930 prep_batch_1
#> AAACCTGCACTTCTGC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                    579 prep_batch_1
#> AAACCTGCATGTAGTC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                   1098 prep_batch_1
#> AAACCTGGTAGCGCAA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2                   1276 prep_batch_1
#>                                       p_mito
#> AAACCTGAGAGGTACC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.058786706
#> AAACCTGAGTCAATAG-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.036086518
#> AAACCTGCAAACAACA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.069823051
#> AAACCTGCACTTCTGC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.026186508
#> AAACCTGCATGTAGTC-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.007991318
#> AAACCTGGTAGCGCAA-1_1A_1_SI-GA-E2 0.022356681

The default behavior is to adjust for all (untransformed) variables stored within the global cell covariate matrix.

Note: The formula string should contain no white spaces (e.g., spaces, tabs, etc.).

  • gene_modality_name: the name of the gene modality within the multimodal ondisc matrix (“gene”, in the example above)

  • grna_modality_name: the name of the gRNA modality within the multimodal ondisc matrix (“grna_expression”, in the example above)

  • threshold: the threshold to use to assign gRNAs to cells. For a given cell and gRNA, if the UMI count of the gRNA within the cell is equal to or greater than the threshold, then the gRNA is taken to be present in the cell. The default is 3.

  • B: the number of resamples to draw for the conditional randomization test. The default is 1000.

  • side: the sidedness of the test, one of “left”, “right”, or “both”. The default is “both”.

  • gene_pod_size, grna_group_pod_size, and pair_pod_size: parameters that control the amount of parallelization. At a high level the pipeline works as follows: first, all genes are regressed onto the technical factors; next, all gRNA groups are regressed onto the technical factors; finally, all pairs of genes and grna groups (as specified in the pairs data frame) are tested for association. gene_pod_size (resp., grna_group_pod_size) is the number of genes (resp., gRNA groups) to regress onto the technical factors in a given Nextflow process. Meanwhile, pair_pod_size is the number of gene-gRNA group pairs to test for association in a given Nextflow process. The default values are 200, 200, and 5000, respectively.

  • n_pairs_to_sample: the number of randomly-selected gene-gRNA group pairs on which to run sceptre. This parameter is for debugging and testing purposes; often, it is useful to run the pipeline on (say) 25 randomly-selected pairs to ensure that the pipeline is set up correctly. The default is to run the pipeline on the entire set of pairs, i.e., to not subsample at all.

  • full_output: “true” or “false” (default “false”); output the resampled test statistics alongside the p-value, z-score, and log fold change?

  • inference_method: (EXPERIMENTAL) “crt” or “gcm” (default “crt”); perform inference using the vanilla conditional randomization test (“crt”) or the faster (but possibly less accurate) generalized covariance measure (“gcm”)?

Invoking the pipeline

An example invocation script is available in the sceptre Nextflow repository. Git clone the repository.

# on command line
git clone [email protected]:timothy-barry/sceptre-pipeline.git
cd sceptre-pipeline

The bash script contains an example invocation of the pipeline. We can launch this script via a call to bash on a laptop/desktop, qsub on a cluster running a Sun Gride Engine scheduler, sbatch on a cluster running a SLURM scheduler, etc.

# on command line
bash # laptop
qsub # sun grid engine
sbatch # slurm

Interpreting the results

The results data frame contains columns gene_id, grna_group, p_value, z_value, and log_fold_change. The results can be analyzed using the tips outlined in Step 7 (“Analyze the Results”) of the in-memory sceptre tutorial.


The sceptre Nextflow pipeline.






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  • R 62.6%
  • Nextflow 30.2%
  • Shell 7.2%