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1.8.15 #17

Workflow file for this run

name: tmp
# Global env variables
# paths:
# - '.github/workflows/tmp.yaml'
# - '.github/actions/docker/action.yaml'
# inputs:
# # server_branch:
# # required: true
# # type:
# # default: 'dev'
# logLevel:
# description: 'Log level'
# required: true
# # default: 'warning'
# type: choice
# # options: ${{fromJson(env.chooice)}}
# options:
# - info
# - ${{fromJson(env.choice)}}
# input variables - for automatic builds based on tag or push we need to figure out how to generate values
# push:
# ---
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: parse
uses: pixelfederation/gh-action-log-parser@wip
filePath: "da2.txt"
- name: parse2
uses: pixelfederation/gh-action-log-parser@wip
filePath: "ts2.txt"
# prepare:
# # uses: pixelfederation/gh-action-gh-release/.github/workflows/private-wf.yaml@main
# runs-on: pxfd-linux-c1-amd64
# steps:
# # - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Configure AWS Credentials
# uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
# with:
# role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::810441965206:role/gha-runner-role
# aws-region: eu-west-1
# role-chaining: true
# retry-max-attempts: 3
# role-skip-session-tagging: true
# - run: |
# aws s3 ls s3://airflow-dev-810441965206/
# - run: |
# aws s3 ls s3://airflow-dev-810441965206/dags/
# - run: |
# binFiles=$(echo "${{ env.INPUT }}" | jq -Rc 'split(",") | @json')
# # - run: |
# # echo ok> tmp.txt
# # aws s3 cp tmp.txt s3://airflow-dev-810441965206/
# - uses: docker://alpine:3.18.4
# with:
# entrypoint: pwd
# - uses: actions/hello-world-docker-action@v2
# with:
# who-to-greet: 'Mona the Octocat'
# - name: Set Docker image tag
# id: set-tag
# run: |
# echo "tag=3.18.0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - uses: ./.github/actions/docker/
# env:
# TEST_OUT: ok
# with:
# image: alpine:${{ steps.set-tag.outputs.tag }}
# args: env
# docker_env: |
# TEST_IN1=ok
# TEST_IN2=ok
# - name: Set Docker image tag
# id: set-tag
# run: |
# echo "tag=3.18.0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Use Docker image
# env:
# tag: 3.18.0
# uses: docker://alpine:${ tag }
# - name: Set image tag
# run: |
# env
# docker pull alpine:3.18.0
# docker pull alpine:3.17.3
# env:
# # sub: "VAR"
# # run: |
# # echo "TEST_VAR=${{ vars.TEST_VAR }}"
# - name: release
# uses: pixelfederation/gh-action-gh-release@main
# ---
# name: Docker build and push to ECR
# env:
# ecr_username: AWS
# ecr_registry:
# ecr_repo: zeppelin
# vault_url:
# vault_role: action-github-runner
# on:
# push:
# tags:
# - '*'
# jobs:
# build-and-push:
# strategy:
# matrix:
# arch:
# - amd64
# runs-on: pxfd-linux-c1-${{ matrix.arch }}
# steps:
# - name: test
# run: |
# echo "ok"
# echo "sleep 10"
# sleep 10
# - name: Get ECR login
# run: |
# set -u
# ECR_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)
# echo "::add-mask::${ECR_PASSWORD}"
# echo "ecr_password=${ECR_PASSWORD}" >> $GITHUB_ENV