Get the MongoDB database statistic e.g : database name, collection size, index size, and index information to a an excel file.
New version support multiple server instance and getting additional host information, cluster configuration (sharded or replica set), uptime, total number of command, read, getmore, command, insert, summarise the cluster report, and recommended sizing. Host information will be save as "Cluster-info.xlsx" on the same folder
Release notes - 1.0.18
- Add the cache hit ratio for collections
- Checking the duplicate index
Release notes - 1.0.19
- Bug fixes for empty database
- Add the -debug parameter to show information in JSON
To get host information :
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" -m True
To get sizing information (specify frequenly access data in percentage -fa) below is the sample of 0% :
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" -fa 0 -m True
Run this command, please choose pip or pip3
pip3 install mostats
pip install mostats
or manually download the source code :
Python version required: python >= 3.10.7
Required packages: pymongo >= 4.4.1
, pandas >= 2.0.3
, argparse
, openpyxl >= 3.1.2
,xlsxwriter >= 3.1.2
, and numpy >= 1.25.1
A database user with the readAnyDatabase
and clusterMonitor
roles. To create a username please follow this code. For more information about built-in roles
user: "readonly_user",
pwd: "readonly_password",
roles: ["readAnyDatabase", "clusterMonitor"],
Please check on the guide below:
usage: [-h] [-u URL [URL ...]] [-uf URLFILE] [-e EXCELFILE] [-n NAME [NAME ...]] [-nf NAMEFILE] [-m MOREINFO] [-fa FA]
[-p PERCENTILE] [-iops IOPS]
Get the MongoDB database statistic to an excel file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL [URL ...], --url URL [URL ...]
MongoDB cluster URL, default is "mongodb://". Example:
"mongodb+srv://<<username>>:<<password>>". For multiple
server please use the space and "" to seperate
-uf URLFILE, --urlfile URLFILE
Get the MongoDB cluster URL from a file. It will read each line as one MongoDB cluster URL
Excel filename, default "Cluster-info.xlsx"
-n NAME [NAME ...], --name NAME [NAME ...]
Cluster name, default value first subdomain example: mongodb+srv:// will be clustername.
For multiple server please use the space and "" to seperate example:"cluster1" "cluster2"
-nf NAMEFILE, --namefile NAMEFILE
Get the cluster name from a file. It will read each line as one cluster name
-m MOREINFO, --moreinfo MOREINFO
Getting the host information, uptime, total number of command, read, and insert
-fa FA, --fa FA Frequently access ratio in percent (input number only)
Specify the percentile based on how much the index is used to calculate total number of index for CPU requirement
calculation. Default is 70
-iops IOPS, --iops IOPS
Expected IOPS
For MongoDB Atlas please leave the cluster name empty
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/"
Specify custom cluster name for MongoDB Community or Enterprise Edition installation only when MongogDB installed without FQDN
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -n "Cluster1" -c "Custom-file.xlsx"
Getting host information on multiple cluster with custom cluster name. Please leave it empty when getting the data from MongoDB atlas
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" -n "Cluster 1" "Cluster 2" -m True
Getting host information and sizing on multiple cluster with custom cluster name. Specify frequently access file by adding parameter -fa. Please leave it empty when getting the data from MongoDB atlas. Below are the sample code for adding frequently access data equal to 5%
mostats -u "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" "mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/" -n "Cluster 1" "Cluster 2" -fa 5 -m True
Mostats can read external files to specify both MongoDB URL and custom name. It will read each line as one MongoDB URL and one cluster name.
Sample mongourl.txt
mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/
mongodb+srv://username:[email protected]/
Sample name.txt
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Below are the sample script:
mostats -uf "mongourl.txt" -nf "name.txt" -fa 0 -m True
Please note: all tools/ scripts in this repo are released for use "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to their installation, use, or performance. We disclaim any and all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of noninfringement, merchantability, and/ or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the technology will meet your requirements, that the operation thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that any errors will be corrected.
Any use of these scripts and tools is at your own risk. There is no guarantee that they have been through thorough testing in a comparable environment and we are not responsible for any damage or data loss incurred with their use.
You are responsible for reviewing and testing any scripts you run thoroughly before use in any non-testing environment.