Formerly located at We reproduce the table of contents below so you can access individual pages. Note that no internal links work here at Github.
- Welcome / About PivotX
- Getting the Files & Installing
- Setting up the first user
- Using PivotX at a glance
- Writing Entries and Pages in detail
- Managing Files and Images
- Working with Categories
- Adding and administering Users
- Weblogs in detail
- Working with Extensions
- Blocking Spam
- Moblogging
- MetaWeblog API (XML/RPC)
- Using Apache's mod_rewrite
- Running multiple websites in one PivotX installation
- How templates work
- Learning by example: Picking apart the 'bare bones' templates.
- The different templates, and what they do
- Templates for Weblogs / Entries
- Templates for Pages
- Special templates
- Template Tags
- Common tags, and how to use them
- Working with dates
- Examples in detail (Cases)
- Setting up multiple Weblogs
- Using PivotX as a CMS, without Weblogs
- Incorporating weblogs on other pages of your website
- Keeping each weblog in separate directories
- Exporting your theme, and sharing it with the community
- The different types of Extensions
- Extension meta information
- Writing Snippet Extensions
- Writing Hook Extensions
- Writing Admin Interface Extensions
- Writing Widget Extensions
- Accessing PivotX data
- Working with Paths / Files
- Grabbing RSS / XML / JSON over the interwebs
- Accessing / Modifying settings
- Accessing Users
- Accessing Weblogs / Categories / Entries
- Accessing Pages
- Other / Special Data
- Sharing your Extensions with the community
- Translations in Pivotx
- A: List of all Hidden Settings
- B: All Template Tags
- B-1: Tagcloud related Template Tags
- C: Howtos - various snippets for special effects
- D: Date formatting options
- E: Troubleshooting PivotX
- F: Frequently Asked Questions
- G: Database Problems
- H: Coding Standards
- I: Variables and objects accessible to Extension Developers