This is a VueJs component that can be easily used in your project. This component will display the PitchPrint editor on the page that you render the component.
npm install --save vue-pitchprint
Import the PitchPrint component:
import PitchPrint from 'vue-pitchprint'
Use the component
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('pitchprint-project-saved', this.showPreview);
methods: {
showPreview(data) {
document.querySelector('.preview').innerHTML = `<img src="${data.previews[0]}"/>`;
Use the component in your template:
<div id="app">
<h1>Welcome to PitchPrint VueJS Demo App</h1>
<PitchPrint apiKey="asf" designId="1234" langCode="en" display="modal" />
<div class="preview"></div>