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This repository contains the source code for the new PISM website.

The Jekyll theme was originally forked from the Bulma Clean Theme created by C.S. Rhymes.


We use several Python and Ruby tools to build this website:

  • pybtex to parse BibTeX files listing publications using PISM
  • matplotlib to plot the bar graph of the number of PISM publications per year (this also uses the Humor Sans font)
  • folium to generate the map of PISM users

Run something like

pip3 install pybtex matplotlib folium

to install these.

All the Ruby dependencies (too many to list) can be installed by running

bundle install

All the common tasks are managed by the Makefile.


  • make build to build the website
  • make serve to build the website and start the server to view results
  • make check-links to build the website and check internal links
  • make check-external-links to build the website and check all links (including external ones)
  • make install to install Ruby dependencies
  • make -C docker to build the Docker image used to build the website on CircleCI

Auto-generated content

The list of PISM applications, the bar graph showing the number of publications per year, and the map of PISM users are generated using Python scripts.

See publications/ and publications/ for the code responsible for processing publications.

Edit publications/applications.bib to add more PISM papers.

See usersmap/ for the code generating the map of PISM users.

Edit usersmap/pism_users.csv to add more PISM users.

Note that files generated by these scripts should not be added to the repository.