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Pipecat iOS SDK with Gemini Multimodal Live WebSocket Transport

This library exports a voice client that is bundled with a transport layer that talks directly to the Gemini Multimodal Live WebSocket API.


To depend on the client package, you can add this package via Xcode's package manager using the URL of this git repository directly, or you can declare your dependency in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "0.3.1"),

and add "PipecatClientIOSGeminiLiveWebSocket" to your application/library target, dependencies, e.g. like this:

.target(name: "YourApp", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "PipecatClientIOSGeminiLiveWebSocket", package: "pipecat-client-ios-gemini-live-websocket")

Quick Start

Instantiate a VoiceClient instance, wire up the bot's audio, and start the conversation:

let options: RTVIClientOptions = .init(
    params: .init(config: [
            service: "llm",
            options: [
                .init(name: "api_key", value: .string("<your Gemini api key>")),
                .init(name: "initial_messages", value: .array([
                        "role": .string("user"), // "user" | "system"
                        "content": .string("I need your help planning my next vacation.")
                .init(name: "generation_config", value: .object([
                    "speech_config": .object([
                        "voice_config": .object([
                            "prebuilt_voice_config": .object([
                                "voice_name": .string("Puck") // "Puck" | "Charon" | "Kore" | "Fenrir" | "Aoede"

let client = GeminiLiveWebSocketVoiceClient(options: options)

try await client.start()


We are welcoming contributions to this project in form of issues and pull request. For questions about Pipecat head over to the Pipecat discord server.