This is the competition template for all pinkerton robotics code. You will not commit directly to this repository; you will instead commit to your team's fork. The forked repositories are run by your team's programming leader. Here are the links to the forks:
- 241 A:
- 241 B:
- 241 C:
- 241 D:
- 241 E:
- 241 F:
If for some reason you want to download the code manually, follow these steps:
- Click the "Download Zip" Button at the bottom right of the page
- Extract the contents of the zip file
- main.c is the competition code
- The changelog for the template can be found here
- The Pinkerton Code Documentation HQ can be found here.
- Pinkerton uses Doxygen to generate html documentation for our code and a Jenkins CI Server to keep it up to date. Click here to learn more.
If you happen to make a super awesome change to your code that you think should be included in the competition template so everyone else can have it, talk to Sean <@sgtkode> about making a pull request. More info can be found here: Github Pull Requests
- Feel free to download the code or fork the repository as you wish as long as you abide by the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.