tidb-operator v0.3.1
Minor changes:
- paramertize the serviceAccount #116 #111
- bump tidb to v2.0.7 & allow user specified config files #121
- remove binding mode for GKE pd-ssd storageclass #130
- modified placement of tidb_version #125
- update google-kubernetes-tutorial.md #105
- remove redundant creation statement of namespace tidb-operator-e2e #132
- update the label name of app in local dind documentation #136
- remove noisy events #131
- marketplace #123 #135
- change monitor/backup/binlog pvc labels #143
- TiDB readiness probes #147
- Add doc on how to provision kubernetes on aws #71
- Add imagePullPolicy support #152
- separation startup scripts and application config from yaml files #149
- update marketplace for our open source offering #151
- add validation to crd #153
- marketplace: use the Release.Name #157
Bug fix: