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6.824 Lab 1: MapReduce

In this lab I've built a MapReduce system similar to the MapReduce paper. The implementation has passed all tests. In addition there is another version meeting the challenge exercise which allows coordinator and workers to run on separate machines. S3 is used as the file system.


  1. Fetch the rep to local computer.

    git clone
    cd 6.824/src/main
  2. Build mr app plugin

    go build -race -buildmode=plugin ../mrapps/wc.go

    note: if the error occurs : cannot load plugin, you could add -gcflags="all=-N -l" flag and make sure add the flag too when you run worker process.

  3. Run the coordinator

    go run -race mrcoordinator.go pg-*.txt
  4. Run workers in other terminals

    go run -race mrworker.go

    When the workers and coordinator have finished, look at the output in *mr-out- **.

    cat mr-out-* | sort | more
    A 509
    ABOUT 2
    ACT 8
  5. Run the test script


    note: due to script setting, change the file path before run test

    func doMapTask(mapf func(string, string) []KeyValue, reply ExampleReply) {
    	log.Printf("doing this map task...")
    	filename := reply.Filename //"../main/" + 
    	file, err := os.Open(filename)

How it works


  • Data structures

    type Coordinator struct {
    	// Your definitions here.
    	mu sync.Mutex
    	files []string
    	tasks []Task
    	nMap int          //num of files
    	nReduce int       //mapper output n files
    	phase MRPhase
    type Task struct {
    	fileName  string
    	id        int
    	startTime time.Time
    	status    TaskStatus  //idle, in-progress, or completed
  • The coordinator is responsible for keeping track of the status of tasks and the phase of mr task. There are 3 phases in the implementation: Map -> Reduce -> Done.

    1. When the coordinator is created, it is initially in map phase and initialize the map tasks.

      func initMapTask(files []string) []Task {
      	tasks := []Task{}
      	for i, v := range files {
      		task := Task{fileName: v, id: i, status: IDLE}
      		tasks = append(tasks, task)
      	log.Println("initializing Map tasks")
      	return tasks
    2. The coordinator is running as an rpc server to handle the worker's rpc call

    3. A worker will use the rpc call to get a task whenever its last task is done until mr is finished and coordinator exited.

      func (c *Coordinator) TellMeWTD(args *ExampleArgs, reply *ExampleReply) error {
      	log.Printf("allocating a new task...")
      	if c.phase == MAP {
      		task := returnMapTask(c)
      		if task != nil {
      			reply.Filename = task.fileName
      			reply.NReduce = c.nReduce
      			reply.Job = MAPJOB
      			reply.Seq =
      			return nil
      	} else if c.phase == REDUCE {
      		task :=returnReduceTask(c)
      		if task != nil {
      			reply.Filename = task.fileName
      			reply.NReduce = c.nReduce
      			reply.Job = REDUCEJOB
      			reply.Seq =
      			reply.NMap = c.nMap
      			return nil
      	} else {
      		reply.Job = COMPLETEJOB
      		return nil
      	reply.Job = WAITJOB
      	return nil

      the coordinator assigns tasks depending on the job phases

    4. The worker will call another rpc func (c *Coordinator) ImDone(args *ExampleArgs, reply *ExampleReply) . The coordinator change phase in this function depending on the status of tasks map -> reduce reduce -> done

    5. Fault tolerance. A in progress task takes over 10s will be considered as a crash. The task's status will be changed to IDLE and will be scheduled again. How? A task has a starting time which will be assigned when the work calls func (c *Coordinator) TellMeWTD(args *ExampleArgs, reply *ExampleReply) and the coordinator checks crash at this time by call this function:

      func checkCrash(c *Coordinator) {
      	for _, v := range c.tasks {
      		if v.status == INPROGRESS {
      			if time.Now().Second() - v.startTime.Second()>10 {
      				v.status = IDLE

      This is a lazy schema but there is no need to add a goroutine ,but can reduce the complexity of the code.


    The worker is relatively simple just looping and requesting tasks.

    func Worker(mapf func(string, string) []KeyValue,
    	reducef func(string, []string) string) {
    	// TODO 1
    	for {
    		response := doHeartbeat()
    		log.Printf("Worker: receive coordinator's task %v \n", response)
    		switch response.Job {
    		case MAPJOB:
    			doMapTask(mapf, response)
    		case REDUCEJOB:
    			doReduceTask(reducef, response)
    		case WAITJOB:
    			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
    		case COMPLETEJOB:
    			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected jobType %v", response.Job))

Challenge part

git checkout challenge
cd 6.824/src/mr
go tidy

To run coordinator and workers separately, use the amazon S3 file system to store task input and output files.


distributed system lab3






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