is Pinecone on the command line.
This CLI is still in an alpha state and does not support every operation available through our REST apis. Please try it out and give us your feedback, but also be prepared to upgrade as we continue building out the feature set and improving the UX.
The most convenient way to install this is via Homebrew
brew tap pinecone-io/tap
brew install pinecone-io/tap/pinecone
pinecone --help
If you have previously installed and would like to upgrade to the latest version, run
brew update
brew upgrade pinecone
We have pre-built binaries for many platforms available on the Releases page.
To learn about the steps involved in building from source, see CONTRIBUTING
In order to use the Pinecone CLI you will need to authenticate with Pinecone services. This can be done either with an API key, or using the pinecone login
flow to authenticate with a Pinecone account via your browser.
pinecone --help
# If you have PINECONE_API_KEY set in your environment you can begin working with the CLI
pinecone index list
# To set an API key manually, you can use the config command
pinecone config set-api-key "YOUR_API_KEY"
# Additionally, you can authenticate through the browser using the login command
pinecone login
# To clear your current login state or configured API key, you can use the logout command
pinecone logout
If an API key is configured along with using pinecone login
, the CLI will default to using the API key over the authentication token.
If there has been an API key set using pinecone config set-api-key
is also present in the environment, the API set in the CLI config will be used over the environment key.
# Learn about supported index operations
pinecone index --help
# Create serverless indexes.
pinecone index create-serverless --help
pinecone index create-serverless --name example-index --dimension 1536 --metric cosine --cloud aws --region us-west-2
pinecone index create-serverless --name="example-index" --dimension=1536 --metric="cosine" --cloud="aws" --region="us-west-2"
pinecone index create-serverless -n example-index -d 1536 -m cosine -c aws -r us-west-2
# Describe index
pinecone index describe --name "example-index"
pinecone index describe --name "example-index" --json
# List indexes
pinecone index list
pinecone index list --json
# Delete index
pinecone index delete --name "example-index"