RWSDNS aims to provide a RESTful API for interacting with Windows Server DNS.
Installation has to be done on a DNS Server, you need the .NET Core SDK in order to publish the application.
(Thanks for the template!)
- Install IIS
- Download the source code and run the following command via an Command Prompt. Make sure you start the Command Prompt with the Administrator option and change directory to where the project files is saved.
dotnet publish --configuration Release --runtime win-x64 --output "<path>"
- The
is the directory where you will be serving the website from.
- Install the .NET Core 3.0.0 Windows Server Hosting bundle.
- Go to your IIS Manager, Right-click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool.
- A dialog appears. Under Name enter RWSDNS Application Pool, leave .NET CLR version and Managed Code as the default. Click OK.
- Now, right-click on the application pool you just created in the previous step and select Advanced Settings .... Change the Start Mode to AlwaysRunning, and the Idle Time-out (minutes) to 0. Click on OK. This will ensure the application stays responsive even after long periods of inactivity. Identity also has to be changed to an account with permissions to manage DNS.
- Back on your IIS Manager, right-click on Sites and select Add Website
- A dialog appears. Under Site name, enter RWSDNS. Under Application pool click on Select and ensure you select RWSDNS Application Pool. Under Physical path, click on the ellipsis (...), navigate to the folder where you extracted RWSDNS.
- Important: Make sure the Physical path points to the parent folder which is the one containing the files, logs and wwwroot folders.
- Under the Binding section of the same dialog, configure the Type to be https, set IP Address to All Unassigned, the Port to 443 and the Hostname to something like Under SSL Certificate select a certificate that matches the Hostname you provided above. If you don't know how to install a certificate, please refer to SSL Certificate Install on IIS 8 or SSL Certificate Install on IIS 10 , in order to install a proper certificate.
- Important: Do not serve this website without an SSL certificate because requests and responses will be transmitted in cleartext and an attacker could easily retrieve these messages and collect the API Key.
- Click OK and you should be set. You should change the default API Key which is 'Password' via the /api/v1.0/auth/ApiKey endpoint right away.
(http post for adding/updating, http delete for deleting all)