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DOUGH liquidity mining

DOUGH liquidity mining contracts.

DOUGH token address: 0xad32a8e6220741182940c5abf610bde99e737b2d


Forked of the Synthetix Rewards Escrow contract.

The contract was changed to allow multiple contracts to append vesting entries and for it to be upgraded.

Admin functionality

Setting the DOUGH token

To allow for the dough token to be migrated it can be changed by the owner.

function setDough(address _dough) external

Adding reward contracts

For a contract to be able to add vesting entries it needs to be whitelisted by the owner.

function addRewardsContract(address _rewardContract) external

Removing reward contracts

A reward contract can be removed by the owner.

function removeRewardsContract(address _rewardContract) external


Appending vesting entries

Whitelisted contracts (use addRewardsContract) can add vesting entries for accounts. Before calling this function quantity amount of tokens should be transfered to the rewardsEscrow.

function appendVestingEntry(address account, uint quantity) external

Withdrawing vested eDOUGH

Using this function a user can withdraw vested dough from all vested entries.

function vest() external


Fetch the number of vesting entries attached to an account

function numVestingEntries(address account) external

Fetching a specific vesting entry

function getVestingScheduleEntry(address account, uint index) external

Get the timestamp when an entry vests

function getVestingTime(address account, uint index) external

Get the amount of tokens of a vesting entry

function getVestingQuantity(address account, uint index) external

Get the index of the next vesting entry that will vest for an account

function getNextVestingIndex(address account) external

Get the next vesting entry that will vest for an account

function getNextVestingEntry(address account) external

Get the time the next vesting entry will vest for an account

function getNextVestingTime(address account) external

Get the quantity of the next vesting entry that will vest for account

function getNextVestingQuantity(address account) external

Fetch all vesting entries of an account

function checkAccountSchedule(address account) external

ERC20 compatible functions

function balanceOf(address account) external
function totalSupply() external


The staking used currently used is a fork of the contract made by Alchemix.

What we've added:

  • Upgradeablity using the OpenZeppelin upgradable contracts
  • Refferal system
  • Easy Getter to fetch all LP positions
  • Configurable escrow percentage
  • Configurable exit fee percentage

Admin functions

Setting a new governance address

Setting the governance address is a two step process. First the old governance address needs to set a new pending address:

function setPendingGovernance(address _pendingGovernance) external

After this the new governance address can accept it:

function acceptGovernance() external

Set the reward rate

The reward rate sets the amount of tokens in total to disperse per block. Only the governance address can call this.

function setRewardRate(uint256 _rewardRate) external

Creating a new pool

A new token which can be staked can be added by the governance address. By default the escrowPercentage, exitFeePercentage and rewardWeight will be set to 0

function createPool(IERC20 _token) external returns (uint256 newPoolId)

Setting pool params

When a new pool is added escrowPercentage, exitFeePercentage and rewardWeight will be set to 0. It can be updated by the governance address by calling the following functions:

All functions update all pools at the same time. Make sure you know the order of the pools.

The reward weights determin how the rewardRate is split up between pools

function setRewardWeights(uint256[] calldata _rewardWeights) external

The escrow percentages determin what percentage of rewards are locked in the RewardEscrow contract

function setEscrowPercentages(uint256[] calldata _escrowPercentages) external

The exit fee percentages how much of an exit fee is charged when unstaking

function setExitFeePercentages(uint256[] calldata _exitFeePercentages) external

Setting the address which receives the exit fees

Can only be called by the governance address.

function setExitFeeReceiver(address _exitFeeReceiver) external

Setting referrer values

Addresses which would like to participate in the referral program for liquidity mining need to be whitelisted by the governance address.

function setReferrerValues(address _referrer, uint256 _referralPercentage, uint256 _referralEscrowPercentage) external



Approve the deposit token first and call to deposit.

function deposit(uint256 _poolId, uint256 _depositAmount) external;

To pass the referrer on deposit call.

function depositReferred(uint256 _poolId, uint256 _depositAmount, address _referrer) external;


Withdraw deposit token and rewards

function withdraw(uint256 _poolId, uint256 _withdrawAmount) external


Claim rewards

function claim(uint256 _poolId) external

Claim referrer rewards

Claim rewards earned as a referrer

function claimReferralRewards() external

Withdraw without rewards

In case the reward token somehow becomes untransferable you can withdraw forfeiting your rewards

function emergencyExit(uint256 _poolId) external


Get the amount of DOUGH released every block to the pools

function rewardRate() external view returns (uint256)

The total weight of all pools combined

function totalRewardWeight() external view returns (uint256)

Total amount of reward pools

function poolCount() external view returns (uint256)

Get the deposit token for a pool

function getPoolToken(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (IERC20)

Get the reward weight of a pool

function getPoolRewardWeight(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)

Get the percentage of rewards that are escrowed for a pool

function getPoolEscrowPercentage(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)

Get the exit fee of a pool

function getPoolExitFeePercentage(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)

Get the reward per block for this pool

function getPoolRewardRate(uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)

Get all global and account pool info

function getPools(address _account) external view returns (Pool.ViewData[] memory) 

Get the total deposited for a pool by an account

function getStakeTotalDeposited(address _account, uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)

Get the amount of unclaimed rewards for an account

function getStakeTotalUnclaimed(address _account, uint256 _poolId) external view returns (uint256)