This project aims to explain how to build a fully reactive web application with Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, Angular and MongoDB. It demonstrates how to deal with concurrent modifications using optimistic locking, Change Streams and Server Sent Events.
Folder | Description |
docker | Contains the docker-compose.yml used to setup the application |
todo-list-application | Spring boot application (back-end) |
todo-list-ui | Angular application (front-end) |
In order to build the application you need to have the following softwares installed:
- open JDK or oracle JDK >= 8
- docker & docker compose
- npm
Once the application is started you can access it using the following links :
Name | Link |
UI | http://localhost:8080 |
Swagger UI | http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/#/item-controller |
Mongo Express | |
If you only want to start mongoDb, execute the following command
$ -mongo-only
You need to have docker installed to build the application.
Ensure that the URL of the application has been correctly configured in the following file.
Then build the application in production mode. To do so, go the the root folder and execute the following command.
$ mvnw clean install -Pprod
You need to have the Heroku client installed to deploy the application (see Heroku client)
After having built the application in production mode, follow these steps:
$ cd todo-list-application
$ heroku login
$ heroku container:login
$ heroku container:push web -a application_name_in_heroku
$ heroku container:release web -a application_name_in_heroku