A general-purpose, thread-safe hash map that supports TTL of the items. It is built upon tidwall/hashmap.c
- All features from tidwall/hashmap.c
- The TTL of item can be set for expiration
- Thread-Safety (optional)
- A general-purpose task scheduler implemented with time wheel and can be reused by maintaining refcount
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ttlmap.h"
struct user
char *name;
int age;
int user_compare(const void *a, const void *b, void *udata)
const struct user *ua = a;
const struct user *ub = b;
return strcmp(ua->name, ub->name);
bool user_iter(const void *item, void *udata)
const struct user *user = item;
printf("%s (age=%d)\n", user->name, user->age);
return true;
uint64_t user_hash(const void *item, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
const struct user *user = item;
return ttlmap_sip(user->name, strlen(user->name), seed0, seed1);
int main()
// create a new hash map where each item is a `struct user`. The second
// argument is the initial capacity. The third and fourth arguments are
// optional seeds that are passed to the following hash function.
ttlmap *map = ttlmap_new(sizeof(struct user), 0, 0, 0,
user_hash, user_compare, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Here we'll load some users into the hash map. Each set operation
// performs a copy of the data that is pointed to in the second argument.
ttlmap_set(map, &(struct user){.name = "Dale", .age = 44}, 3000);
ttlmap_set(map, &(struct user){.name = "Roger", .age = 68}, 6000);
ttlmap_set(map, &(struct user){.name = "Jane", .age = 47}, 9000);
struct user *user;
printf("\n-- get some users --\n");
user = ttlmap_get(map, &(struct user){.name = "Jane"});
printf("%s age=%d\n", user->name, user->age);
user = ttlmap_get(map, &(struct user){.name = "Roger"});
printf("%s age=%d\n", user->name, user->age);
user = ttlmap_get(map, &(struct user){.name = "Dale"});
printf("%s age=%d\n", user->name, user->age);
user = ttlmap_get(map, &(struct user){.name = "Tom"});
printf("%s\n", user ? "exists" : "not exists");
printf("\n-- iterate over all users (ttlmap_scan) --\n");
ttlmap_scan(map, user_iter, NULL);
printf("\n-- iterate over all users (ttlmap_iter) --\n");
size_t iter = 0;
void *item;
while (ttlmap_iter(map, &iter, &item))
const struct user *user = item;
printf("%s (age=%d)\n", user->name, user->age);
printf("\n-- iterate over all users (after 4s) --\n");
ttlmap_scan(map, user_iter, NULL);
printf("\n-- iterate over all users (after 7s) --\n");
ttlmap_scan(map, user_iter, NULL);
printf("\n-- iterate over all users (after 10s) --\n");
ttlmap_scan(map, user_iter, NULL);
return 0;
// make:
// gcc ttlmaptest.c ttlmap.c timewheel.c hashmap.c -lpthread && ./a.out
// output:
// -- get some users --
// Jane age=47
// Roger age=68
// Dale age=44
// not exists
// -- iterate over all users (ttlmap_scan) --
// Dale (age=44)
// Roger (age=68)
// Jane (age=47)
// -- iterate over all users (ttlmap_iter) --
// Dale (age=44)
// Roger (age=68)
// Jane (age=47)
// -- iterate over all users (after 4s) --
// Roger (age=68)
// Jane (age=47)
// -- iterate over all users (after 7s) --
// Jane (age=47)
// -- iterate over all users (after 10s) --
// }
ttlmap_new # allocate a new ttl hash map
ttlmap_free # free the ttl hash map
ttlmap_count # returns the number of items in the ttl hash map
ttlmap_set # insert or replace an existing item and return the previous
ttlmap_get # get an existing item (ttl will be set if ttl_ms > 0)
ttlmap_delete # delete and return an item
ttlmap_clear # clear the ttl hash map
ttlmap_new_threadunsafe # allocate a new ttl hash map without lock
ttlmap_iter # loop based iteration over all items in ttl hash map
ttlmap_scan # callback based iteration over all items in ttl hash map
ttlmap_sip # returns hash value for data using SipHash-2-4
ttlmap_murmur # returns hash value for data using MurmurHash3
ttlHashMap source code is available under the MIT License.