Convert YouTube and YouTube Music playlists to Spotify playlists
pip install songsync
Create a Spotify app by following the instructions in the Spotify Web API documentation:
Set the following environment variables
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-spotify-client-id'
export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-spotify-client-secret'
export SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI='your-app-redirect-url'
To convert a playlist from YouTube to Spotify, provide the playlist ID of the YouTube playlist and the name of the playlist you want to create in Spotify.
from songsync.songsync import SongSync
ss = SongSync()
spotify_playlist_id, tracks_not_found = ss.convert_yt_spotify(
spotify_playlist_name="Your Spotify Playlist Name",
- The YT playlist ID can be found from the URL of your Youtube/Youtube Music playlist.
- The YT playlist must be public or unlisted.
- (Experimental) The search algorithm uses language detection to search different Spotify markets and substrings of a song title.
- Titles are more varied for normal YouTube videos in comparison to YouTube Music videos which can increase the difficulty of the search. The closer the YouTube video name is to the Spotify name the easier it is to find. See interactive mode below for manually searching tracks that cannot be found.
ss = SongSync(interactive_mode=True)
With interactive mode, if the script cannot find the YouTube track on Spotify you will be prompted to manually enter a title and artist. Enter it as it would appear in your country. You can enter blank in the prompt to skip.
Install poetry:
Setup and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
Install poetry dependencies
poetry install
Follow the above instructions for setting up your Spotify app and environment variables.