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Tutorial 7

PhuocLe edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 7 revisions


  • Qualify lead don't create Opportunity, create Account and move to Account page after success qualified



  1. Goto Dynamics 365, create a Custom Action then Activated with these information bellow
  • Process Name: Ajax
  • Unique Name: paz_Ajaz
  • Entity: None (global)
  • Arguments
    • Name: function, Type: String, Required: Required, Direction: Input
    • Name: jsonInput, Type: String, Required: Optional, Direction: Input
    • Name: jsonOutput, Type: String, Required: Required, Direction: Output
  1. Add New Project 02. C# Custom Action Project to solution.
    • A popup form Add new Custom Action Project opened
    • Click button >< to create/select a Dynamics 365 connection
    • Keep the text box Project Name empty
    • Select in the Crm Version PL.DynamicsCrm.DevKit get all Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies version from NuGet
    • Select 4.5.2 in the .Net version
    • Click OK
    • PL.DynamicsCrm.DevKit created workflow project name: Paz.LuckeyMonkey.CustomAction
  2. Rebuild solution to restore NuGet packages
  3. Add New Item 04. C# Custom Action Class to Paz.LuckeyMonkey.CustomAction project
    • A popup form opened
    • Click button >< to create/select a Dynamics 365 connection
    • After connected PL.DynamicsCrm.DevKit loaded all entities and bind to dropdown Message
    • Select paz_Ajax
    • Click OK
    • PL.DynamicsCrm.DevKit created custom action class: PostNonepaz_AjaxSynchronous
  4. Edit ExecuteCustomAction like bellow
        private ParameterCollection ExecuteCustomAction(IPluginExecutionContext context, IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory, IOrganizationService service, ITracingService tracing)
            var outputs = new ParameterCollection();
            var function = (string)context.InputParameters["function"];
            var jsonInput = (string)context.InputParameters["jsonInput"];
            var @return = string.Empty;
            switch (function)
                case "QualifyLead":
                    var qualifyLead = new QualifyLead();
                    @return = qualifyLead.Do(context, service, tracing, jsonInput);
            outputs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("jsonOutput", @return));
            return outputs;
  1. Class QualifyLead
    public class InputQualifyLead
        public string LeadId { get; set; }
    public class OutputQualifyLead
        public string AccountId { get; set; }
        public bool Status { get; set; }
    public class QualifyLead
        internal string Do(IPluginExecutionContext context, IOrganizationService service, ITracingService tracing, string jsonInput)
            //Parse jsonInput to strong type InputQualifyLead
            var input = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject<InputQualifyLead>(jsonInput);
            //Call request QualifyLead
            var request = new QualifyLeadRequest()
                CreateAccount = true,
                CreateOpportunity = false,
                CreateContact = true,
                LeadId = new EntityReference(Lead.EntityLogicalName, Guid.Parse(input.LeadId)),
                Status = new OptionSetValue((int)StatusCode.Qualified)
            var response = (QualifyLeadResponse)service.Execute(request);
            var account = response.CreatedEntities.FirstOrDefault(r => r.LogicalName == Account.EntityLogicalName);
            //Prepare output and Serialize to jsonOutput
            var output = new OutputQualifyLead
                Status = account != null,
                AccountId = account?.Id.ToString()
            return SimpleJson.SerializeObject(output);

NOTED You should add 01. C# Late Bound Class class: Account to Entities folder of Paz.LuckeyMonkey.Shared project

  1. Run deploy.bat of project Paz.LuckeyMonkey.CustomAction
  2. Check-in all files to your source control
  3. You finished this tutorial


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