CLI tool for manage CircleCI contexts and environment vars
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install circleci-env-cli
docker pull phsmith/circleci-env-cli:[VERSION]
# Run example
docker run --rm -it \
-v $HOME/project/.env:/env \
phsmith/circleci-env-cli:latest [OPTIONS]
A CircleCI personal API token must be create before use this tool.
All options can be specified as environment variables in the format:
Usage: circleci-env-cli [OPTIONS]
CLI tool for manage CircleCI contexts and environment vars
-u, --api-url <circleci_api_url>
-t, --token <circleci_token> [default: (CIRCLE_TOKEN)]
-c, --context <context_name> It will ask for create if does not exists
-p, --project <project_slug> Example: github/org-name/project-name
-e, --env <environment_var>
-ef, --env-file <environment_vars_file>
-l, --list-envs
-d, --delete Context only, will delete the context
Context + vars, will delete the context vars
Vars only, will delete the environment vars
-ot, --owner-type <owner_type> [default: organization]
--help Show this message and exit.
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -l
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -e KEY1=VAL1 -e KEY2=VAL2 -ef project.envs.txt
> Successfully add/update variable: KEY1
> Successfully add/update variable: KEY2
> Successfully add/update variable: KEY3
> Successfully add/update variable: KEY4
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -e KEY1 -e KEY2 -d
> Successfully delete variable: KEY1
> Successfully delete variable: KEY2
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -c mycontext -l
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -c mycontext -e KEY1=VAL1 -e KEY2=VAL2
The context named "mycontext" was not found. Do you want to create it? [y/n]: y
> Successfully create context: mycontext
> Successfully add/update context variable: KEY1
> Successfully add/update context variable: KEY2
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -c mycontext -e KEY1 -e KEY2 -d
> Successfully delete context variable: KEY1
> Successfully delete context variable: KEY2
$ circleci-env-cli -p github/myorg/myproject -c mycontext -d
Are you sure want to delete the context "mycontext"? [y/n]: y
> Successfully delete context