This package provides a simple way to parse attributes from a string. It's more readable than json, and it was implemented to be used for parsing struct field tags. Now you don't need to do special parsing for your awesome shiny struct tag, you can just define a structure and parse 'em. This package will take care about rest. It provides simple error reporting, with position where error occurred. Parser and lexer is handwritten, so there is no overhead from using a parser generator. You can find parser here. Altough New function returns generic definition, mapping values to struct uses reflection, so please don't use it in performance critical code.
Attribs defines following grammar for attributes
key='value', key2='value2'
- key value pair(key='value')
- object[]
- array
Warning! Top level object must be an object (or pointer to object).
We will show full example
Let's omit error handling in examples. First we need to define all attributes in single structure:
package main
import (
type Tag struct {
DefaultFirst int `attr:"name=default"`
Readonly bool `attr:"name=readonly"`
Description string `attr:"description"`
Metadata map[string]any `attr:"name=metadata"`
Tags []string `attr:"name=tags"`
Inner Inner `attr:"name=inner"`
type Inner struct {
Hello string `attr:"name=hello"`
var d attribs.Definition[Tag]
func init() {
// create definition
d = Must(New(Tag{}))
func main() {
// now parse example attributes definition
result, _ := d.Parse("default=42, readonly, description='This is a description', tags['tag1', 'tag2'], inner(hello='world')")
expected := Tag{
DefaultFirst: 42,
Readonly: true,
Description: "This is a description",
Metadata: map[string]any{},
Tags: []string{"tag1", "tag2"},
Inner: Inner{
Hello: "world",
Currently supported (tested) types are
- int, int8, int16, int32, int64 (and pointers)
- uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 (and pointers)
- string (and pointers)
- bool (and pointers)
- float32, float64 (and pointers)
- structs (embedded) (and pointers)
- array (and pointers)
- map (and pointers to map) with string key to any supported type
Peter Vrba [email protected]