gen_amba is a set of programs that generate AMBA bus Verilog-HDL, which include AMBA AXI, AMBA AHB, and AMBA APB.
- gen_amba_axi: AMBA AXI bus generator for multi-master and multi-slave
- gen_amba_ahb: AMBA AHB bus generator for multi-master and multi-slave
- gen_amba_apb: AMBA APB bus-bridge generator for AMBA AXI or AHB
Note that it is a new version of 'gen_amba' (
Note there are AXI4-to-AXI3 and AXI3-to-AXI4 in *gen_amba_axi/verification/ip'.
Click to expand table of contents
- Quick start for AMBA AXI and AHB
1.1 Quick start for AMBA AXI
1.2 Quick start for AMBA AHB - GEN_AMBA
2.1 gen_amba_axi
2.2 gen_amba_ahb
2.3 gen_amba_apb - GEN_TOP
3.3 GEN_TOP for AMBA APB - Bus tasks
4.1 AMBA AXI Bus tasks
4.2 AMBA AHB Bus tasks - Where to get more information
- Where it has been used
- Other things
This is licensed with the 2-clause BSD license to make the program and library useful in open and closed source products independent of their licensing scheme.
This program requires followings.
- Shell: Bash
- GNU GCC: C compiler
- HDL simulator: Xilinx Vivado simulator, icarus Verilog, or Mentor Graphics ModelSim
- RTL simulation
- FPGA proven (refer to CON-FMC)
- ASIC partially proven, but not whole yet
- For AMBA AXI, master should be 2 or larger and slave should be 2 or larger.
Click to expand
- go to 'gen_amba_axi' directory
$ cd gen_amba_axi - run Makefile
$ make cleanup
$ make
. It should generate 'gen_amba_axi'. - have a look the help message
$ ./gen_amba_axi -h - generate AMBA AXI
$ ./gen_amba_axi --master=2 --slave=3 --output=amba_axi_m2s3.v
. It generates an AXI bus ("amba_axi_m2s3.v") with 2 master-ports and 3 slave-ports.
- go to 'gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim' directory
$ cd gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim
. Use 'iverilog' for Icarus Verilog. - run Makefile
$ make cleanup
$ make MST=2 SLV=3
. It should generate necessary bus and top model and then invoke HDL simulator.
. It uses top-level generator. - have a look the result VCD wave
$ gtkwave wave.vcd
how to change the number of masters and slaves
- modify 'MST' and 'SLV' macro in the 'Makefile' in 'gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim' directory or
- set command-line option of 'make' as follows
$ make MST=3 SLV=3
how to change width of address and data
- modify 'WIDTH_AD' and 'WIDTH_DA' macros in 'sim_define.v' in 'gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim' directory
how to change testing scenario
- set 1 for the verilog plus command-line argument in the 'Makefile' in 'gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim' directory
[xsim case] -testplusarg BURST_TEST=1
[iverilog case] +BURST_TEST=1
[ModelSim case] +BURST_TEST=1
- set 1 for the verilog plus command-line argument in the 'Makefile' in 'gen_amba_axi/verification/sim/xsim' directory
how to add new testing scenario
- add your scenario in the 'axi_tester.v' file in the 'gen_amba_axi/verification/ip' directory, where you can find some testing scenarios.
- there is AMBA AXI task library in the 'gen_amba_axi/verification/ip/axi_master_tasks.v'.
Click to expand
- go to 'gen_amba_ahb' directory
$ cd gen_amba_ahb - run Makefile
$ make cleanup
$ make
. It should generate 'gen_amba_ahb'. - have a look the help message
$ ./gen_amba_ahb -h - generate AMBA AHB
$ ./gen_amba_ahb --mst=2 --slv=3 --out=amba_ahb_m2s3.v
. It generates an AHB bus ("amba_ahb_m2s3.v") with 2 master-ports and 3 slave-ports.
- go to 'gen_amba_ahb/verification/sim/xsim' directory
*$ cd gen_amba_ahb/verification/sim/xsim* . Use 'iverilog' for Icarus Verilog. - run Makefile
$ make cleanup
$ make MST=2 SLV=3
. It should generate necessary bus and top model and then invoke ModelSim simulator.
. It uses top-level generator. - have a look the result VCD wave
$ gtkwave wave.vcd
There is AMBA bus generator for each bus.
It generates AMBA AXI switch.
Click to expand
$ ./gen_amba_axi -h
[Usage] ./gen_amba_axi [options]
-M,--master=num num of masters (default: 2)
-S,--slave=num num of slaves (default: 2)
-D,--module=str module name (default: "amba_axi_mXsY")
-P,--prefix=str prefix of module (default: none)
-O,--output=file output file name (stdout if not given)
-3,--axi3 force to use AXI3 (AIX4 by default, if not given)
-g,--verbose=num verbose level (default: 0)
-v,--version print version
-l,--license print license message
-h print help message
'--prefix' option makes use of prefix for the internal modules and this enables to use multiple AXI buses in the same design by preventing from warning of multiple definition modules.
'--axi3' option forces to generate AMBA AXI3, which uses 'AxLENG[3:0]', 'AxLOCK[1:0]', and 'WID[..]', while without '--axi3' option 'gen_amba_axi' generates AMBA AXI4.
![]() |
AMBA AXI internal structure |
It generates AMBA AHB bus.
Click to expand
$ ./gen_amba_ahb -h
[Usage] ./gen_amba_ahb [options]
-T,--lite AMBA AHB-lite
-M,--master=num num of masters (default: 2)
-S,--slave=num num of slaves (default: 2)
-D,--module=str module name (default: "amba_ahb_mXsY")
-P,--prefix=str prefix of module
-O,--output=file output file name (stdout if not given)
-g,--verbose=num verbose level (default: 0)
-v,--version print version
-l,--license print license message
-h print help message
note: amba_ahb_lite_s? for -M 1
'--prefix' option makes use of prefix for the internal modules and this enables to use multiple AHB buses in the same design by preventing from warning of multiple definition modules.
![]() |
AMBA AHB internal structure |
It generates AMBA APB bus bridge for AHB or AXI.
Click to expand
$ ./gen_amba_apb -h
[Usage] ./gen_amba_ahb [options]
-X|H,--axi|ahb make "axi_to_apb" or "ahb_to_apb" (axi if not given)
-S,--slave=num num of APB ports (default: 2)
-D,--module=str module name (default: "axi_to_apb_sX" or "ahb_to_apb_sX")
-P,--prefix=str prefix of sub-module name (none if not given)
-O,--output=file output file name (stdout if not given)
-g,--verbose=num verbose level (default: 0)
-v,--version print version
-l,--license print license message
-h print help message
'--prefix' option makes use of prefix for the internal modules and this enables to use multiple APB buses in the same design by preventing from warning of multiple definition modules.
![]() |
AMBA APB bus bridge |
There is top-level generator for each bus in 'verification' directory.
- go to 'gen_amba_axi/verification'
$ cd gen_amba_axi/verification - have a look the help message
$ ./ -h - generate a top-level
$ ./ -mst 2 -slv 2 -siz 1024 -out top.v
. It generates a top-level verilog ("top.v") supporting two AXI masters and two AXI memories.
. Each memory takes care of 1Kbyte range of memory; i.e., memory0 covers 0-1023 and memory1 covers 1024-2047.
Click to expand
$ ./ -h
Usage : ./ [options]
-mst num :num of masters, 2
-slv num :num of slaves, i.e., memories, 2
-axi3 :force to use AXI3 (to use AXI4, not specify)
-siz bytes :size of each slave in bytes, 0; 0 for auto
-bus module :name of bus,
-out file_name :output file name, top.v
-h/-? :printf help
- go to 'gen_amba_ahb/verification'
$ cd gen_amba_ahb/verification - have a look the help message
$ ./ -h - generate a top-level
$ ./ -mst 2 -slv 2 -siz 1024 -out top.v
. It generates a top-level verilog ("top.v") supporting two AXI masters and two AXI memories.
. Each memory takes care of 1Kbyte range of memory; i.e., memory0 covers 0-1023 and memory1 covers 1024-2047.
Click to expand
$ ./ -h
Usage : ./ [options]
-mst num :num of masters, 2
-slv num :num of slaves, i.e., memories, 2
-siz bytes :size of each slave in bytes, 1024
-bus module :name of bus,
-out file_name :output file name, top.v
-h/-? :printf help
- go to 'gen_amba_apb/verification'
$ cd gen_amba_apb/verification - have a look the help message
$ ./ -h - generate a top-level
$ ./ -ahb -slv 2 -siz 1024 -out top.v
. It generates a top-level verilog ("top.v") supporting AHB masters and two APB memories.
. Each memory takes care of 1Kbyte range of memory; i.e., memory0 covers 0-1023 and memory1 covers 1024-2047.
Click to expand
$ ./ -h
Usage : ./ [options]
-ahb|axi :AHB or AXI master: ahb
-slv num :num of slaves, i.e., memories, 2
-siz bytes :size of each slave in bytes, 1024
-bus module :name of bus,
-out file_name :output file name, top.v
-h/-? :printf help
BFM (Bus Functional Model) is a widely adopted approach to build verification envrionment for a bus-based system, where BFM generates bus transactions to test functionality of blocks through the bus. BFM carries out testing scenario using bus tasks as shown in the picture below. This project contains bus tasks for AMBA AXI and AHB.
Refer to 'axi_master_tasks.v' in 'gen_amba_axi/verification/ip' directory.
This task generates AXI write burst transaction.
Click to expand
task axi_master_write;
input [WIDTH_AD-1:0] addr ;
input [15:0] bnum ; // num of byte for a beat of burst
input [15:0] bleng; // burst length: 1, 2, ...
input [ 1:0] burst; // 0:fixed, 1:incr, 2:wrap
input [ 1:0] lock ; // 2'b10:lock, 2'b01:excl
input delay; // 0:don't use delay
reg [WIDTH_ID-1:0] awid;
if (bnum!=1<<$clog2(bnum)) $display($time,,"%m ERROR size in bytes not supported %d", bnum);
awid <= $random(seed_awid);
@ (posedge ACLK);
fork axi_master_write_aw( awid
, addr
, bnum
, bleng
, burst
, lock);
axi_master_write_w( awid
, addr
, bnum
, bleng
, burst
, delay);
axi_master_write_b( awid);
num_of_writes = num_of_writes + 1;
This task generates AXI read burst transaction.
Click to expand
task axi_master_read;
input [WIDTH_AD-1:0] addr ;
input [15:0] bnum ; // num of byte for a beat of burst
input [15:0] bleng; // burst length: 1, 2, ...
input [ 1:0] burst; // 0:fixed, 1:incr, 2:wrap
input [ 1:0] lock ; // 2'b10:lock, 2'b01:excl
input delay; // 0:don't use delay
reg [WIDTH_ID-1:0] arid;
if (bnum!=1<<$clog2(bnum)) $display($time,,"%m ERROR size in bytes not supported %d", bnum);
arid <= $random(seed_arid);
@ (posedge ACLK);
fork axi_master_read_ar( arid
, addr
, bnum
, bleng
, burst
, lock);
axi_master_read_r( arid
, bleng
, delay);
num_of_reads = num_of_reads + 1;
Refer to 'ahb_tasks.v' in 'gen_amba_ahb/verification/ip' directory.
This task generates AHB write transaction, which writes 'size'-byte of data to 'addr' address and retuns 'status' after completion.
Click to expand
task ahb_write;
input [31:0] addr; // byte-wise adddress
input [31:0] data; // justifed data
input [ 2:0] size; // num of bytes
output [ 1:0] status; // 0 for OK
ahb_write_core( addr
, data
, size
, 4'b0001 // non-cacheable,non-bufferable,user,data
, 1'b0 // hlock
, status);
This task generates AHB read transaction, which reads 'size'-byte of data from 'addr' address and retuns 'status' after completion.
Click to expand
task ahb_read;
input [31:0] addr; // byte-wise address
output [31:0] data; // justified data
input [ 2:0] size; // num of bytes
output [ 1:0] status; // 0 for OK
ahb_read_core( addr
, data
, size
, 4'b0001 // non-cacheable,non-bufferable,user,data
, 1'b0 // lock
, status);
The author has been giving open lecture on AMBA bus at following two institutes:
- IDEC (IC Design Education Center) at KAIST:
- SW-SoC Academy at ETRI:
Lecture materials and codes are also available from Ando's GitHub:
- AMBA lecture materials at GitHub:
Source code is available from Ando's GitHub:
Cosim BFM library is a package to provide HW-SW co-simulation between the HDL (Hardware Description Language) simulator and the host program, where BFM (Bus Functional Model or Bus Functional Module) generates bus transaction by interacting with the host program in C or Python.
Refer to HW-SW co-simulation library repository.
6.2 Future Design Systems CON-FMCTM project
- Ji-Hoon Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee, and Ando Ki, Core-A: A 32-bit Synthesizable Processor Core, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol. 4, no. 2, April 2015.
- Ando Ki, Platform Design using Core-A Processor (Core-A 프로세서를 활용한 플랫폼 설계), HongReung Publishing, 2010.
- Ando Ki, Application Design using Core-A Processor (Core-A 프로세서를 활용한 응용 설계), HongReung Publishing, 2011.
- Ando Ki - Initial work - Future Design Systems and KAIST.
Thanks to all who gave me valuable feedback.
- 2023.07.16: Bug-fixed: SystemVerilog keyword conflict resolved.
Simulation using Vivado XSIM in 'verification' uses SystemVerilog compiler.
(Thanks 'dale40' for raising this issue.)
- 2021.09.05: Bug-fixed: 'ADDR_BASE' parameter updated to support address wider than 32-bit in ''.
- 2021.09.05: Bug-fixed: address range parameters changed from "32'h???" to "'h???" to support wider address width.
- 2021.07.10: 'gen_amba_axi' option changed.
- 2021.07.01: AMBA AXI4 feature applied, in which WID[..] removed.
- 2021.06.01: M?_MID[..] removed.
- 2021.06.01: '--axi3' option added in order to force to use AMBA AXI3 instead of AXI4.
- A long time ago: Started by Ando Ki (adki(at)