reads from stdin and writes to stdout, turns __SOME_TEXT__ into whatever env var $SOME_TEXT is set to.
Useful in Kubernetes to create config files in from env vars, if the program won't accept them.
Written in C++ to remove need for runtime dependencies. binary can just be copied into a docker image.
In your docker file
COPY /app/
COPY monstache-template.toml /app/monstache-template.toml
COPY sedenv /app/sedenv
In your entrypoint script
sedenv < /app/monstache-template.toml > /app/monstache.toml
monstache -f /monstache-conf/monstache.toml --replay
Now you ensure your Kubernetes deployment.yaml
environmental variables can be written into your configs.
the binary (linux x86_64) already in git repo and ready to use.
Otherwise you need g++
and make
This is GPLv2