See this example site for a demo.
- optimized for readability (~70 characters per line, enough margin between body and sidebar)
- done for offline writing: (almost) all css and js files are part of the theme, the blog looks the same online as offline and loads also without internet connnection
npm install hexo-renderer-less --save
cd themes
git clone
Then theme: hexo-theme-twboostrap
into your _config.yml
Highlight.js enables syntax highlighting for your code blocks.
In _config.yml
remove the whole highlight
block and replace it with
enable: false
and instead add:
highlightjs: atelier-estuary-light
Then do
hexo clean
hexo generate
To get highlightjs working.
For a full list of all themes see this demo page
Enable the menu on top with e.g.
Home: /
Archives: /archives
Add about
in widgets:
- about
And add some text about yourself:
title: About John Doe
- image: /images/john.jpg
image_alt: John
description: I'm a <a href="">python</a> developer
- image: /images/rust.jpg
image_alt: Rust
description: Recently I started learning rust.
You can add custom CSS and load a special JS on a per-post basis. Example:
title: My awesome post
date: 2014-01-20 16:06:00
- "pre>code.hljs {font-size: 80%}"
If you add a image like this, it'll show the caption "Raspberry pi" right below the image:
<img src="/images/pi.jpg" alt="Raspberry pi" class="caption" />
There's support for disqus, addthis, subscripe to mailchimp mailing list, etc. Have a look at the example config
Execute the following command to update:
cd themes/hexo-theme-twbootstrap
git pull