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philcali edited this page May 6, 2012 · 20 revisions

This is a simple plugin that you can add to your sbt projects for rapid LWJGL development.

Out of the box, it supports:

Note: Beginners to sbt should familiarize themselves with some of the basics. This knowledge base assumes you understand the basics behind including plugin build settings, overwriting settings, multi-project settings, etc.

Creating Executable Binaries

There is a page dedicated to Create Executable Binaries that are both portable and integrated into your build environment.

Giter8 Templates

Quick start

It is recommended to start a new LWJGL project using the giter8 template. The project template creates a project.scala and plugins/Plugins.scala, so it would save you some typing. Giter8 is a commandline tool that pulls down project templates on github. Conscript is a scala software installer used to install giter8.

If you do not wish to use the project template, then you can simply copy the following into you project/plugins/build.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.philcali" % "sbt-lwjgl-plugin" % "3.1.4")

If you desire to work with more than LWJGL (meaning, some satellite project that use LWJGL), then you need to include one of the satellite engineSettings into your build. Here's an example using Nicol.

Create a build.sbt in the root of your project with the following contents:

// Nicol
seq(nicolSettings: _*)


  • Open source sbt-lwjgl project
  • Welcome community Development
  • To be the all-encompassing lwjgl plugin and support for satellite projects

The Future

Fork me! I'll gladly accept code additions, to further the common goal!